Hey All,
Yes I’ve been on radio silence lately with the completion and opening of the bakery. But more about that later. First I want to share a little story about something that happened the other day that I, for one, have had it with.
It was a few days ago (about two days before the opening of my sweet little bakery) while my BFF, Rick, was helping me with last minute details (of which there were many)! We were both hungry and needed something fast to eat. Which as all you Celiacs and gluten challenged people know is next to impossible. Rick told me he would venture out into the east village where we were and find us something. I said if you are not 100percent positive that it’s safe don’t get me anything. One hint of Gluten and I’m down for the count. My friend Rick has a gluten allergy so he sometimes takes chances that I would not. He left and about 25 minutes later returned with some items and an annoyed look on his face. He then went into the story that just took place. It goes like this…
He Walked into a Coffee House called THE BEAN (yes damn right I’m calling you out). He sees muffins labeled ‘Gluten Free’ in a case where regular muffins were sitting as well. Rick knew that would not work for me but decided to ask some questions.
RICK: Are those true gluten free muffins?
RICK: Are they made in a gluten free area?
THE BEAN CLERK: Yes they come from that gluten free bakery across town.
(Where they serve gluten free products loaded with awful ingredients.)
RICK: I also see you have a bagel that’s labeled gluten free. Is that made in a gluten free facility?
THE BEAN CLERK: Yes. It’s made in that same gluten free bakery across town.
(“WRONG,” Rick thought. That GFree bakery does NOT make gluten free bagels, nothing even remotely close.)
RICK: I happen to know for a fact that bakery does not make gluten free bagels.
THE BEAN CLERK: No they do but don’t worry just take it for free.
Rick confused, annoyed, worried, yet wanting to hurry up and get back to help me at the store, took it and left.
He arrived back to me with a few bites gone from the obviously NOT gluten free bagel. Lets just say this, my dear friend had to leave me five times to go be terribly sick throughout the day. Only then to feel fluish the next day and mad as hell.
I ask you, Would someone give a cigarette disguised as a piece of broccoli to a lung cancer patient? Or give a candy bar to a diabetic and say it’s sugar free? I don’t think so! Then WHY DO YOU INSIST ON SLOWLY KILLING US!!!!!! I for one have HAD IT. Business owners be ware when you see me come into your establishment. Yes, I will ask you annoying question. Yes, I will make you answer them again if I feel you are not telling me what I need to KNOW and not because I’m picky (LIKE SO MANY IDIOTS THINK THAT US CELIACS ARE) but because I HAVE A DISEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to ask The Bean if that $1.50 that Rick paid for the coffee and the wrong information was worth it. To harm people and make their insides twist and turn. I would like to think this isn’t an unkind world were people don’t care and are looking to just cash-in on our disease and misfortune, but it’s getting hard to think this is just ignorance at this point.
WHEW—-Ok I’m breathing again now. Sorry I just can’t except this for us anymore. That’s why my bakery exists for YOU, who refuse to be lied to any longer!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every pure organic ingredient is listed in my bakery and only the best safest healthiest ingredients are allowed. I’m there all the time to bake and help in any way I can. Which brings me to rounding out the whole reason for this blog.
A neighborhood girl came in the bakery yesterday, very pale and a bit frail. She said she was just diagnosed 2 yrs ago and was still so confused. She said she didn’t understand how people could lie about gluten being in a product when people said it wasn’t. I didn’t ask her where she had been in the neighborhood but I wondered if it was that same coffee house. As I said to her that she can feel safe in my bakery, she got silent, her eyes welled up and said, “thank you,” under her emotions that were taking over. You see, that recent lie that was placed on her by giving her a FAKE gluten free muffin at some uncaring establishment put her in the hospital with some intestinal bleeding for 3 days. IS THIS OK? I think not.
She smiled as I gave her an extra safe treat and she said she would be back. I hope so. I truly do.
Much Love,
Jennifer Esposito