Happy Bagels!
Oh yes THEY ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know how many of you have been waiting to get your hands on our picture perfect creatures we call bagels. The doughy, yet firm, yet chewy and crunchy happy little fella with a whole in the center make people smile. And bringing smiles to EVERYONE is what we are all about here at Jennifer’s Way.
This bagel is not only DELICIOUS as is, ( that’s right you don’t HAVE TO toast to make edible) but its egg, dairy, soy, nut and of course wheat and gluten free! Enjoy right away or freeze and make friends with your toaster again by giving him something worth heating.
You can order today and then you have about a week to get all your supplies ready – honey, jam, nut butter, whatever your heart desires to welcome these happy little bagels into your home!
Food Should Be Enjoyed Not Feared!!
Be Well
Oh my goodness! Everything looks so delicious. I wish I were at your bakery right now. The next time my daughter and I visit NY, I am bringing a huge shopping bag to fill! In the meantime, I will be ordering a selection of bagels, cookies and flour as a birthday gift to myself. The hard part will be keeping the cookies away from my husband. Although he will no doubt get into the bagels too. They look just amazing, and I gave them up because everyone else’s’ bagels are either soft and taste like stale cotton, or hard and taste like stale cardboard. No thank you. Yours look so god I can almost taste them. Any plans for making English muffins? I have yet to find a decent one of those either. Thank you for all your hard work. I have to tell you that I quit watching Blue Bloods after what they did to you. The show wasn’t the same without you, and I was so angry at the way they treated you; I don’t miss it.
Your story resonates mine. I have multiple sensitivities. Will you please work on recipes and bakery items that donot use potatoe starch . Many of us have issues with night vegetables/fruits in which potatoes are one . Here’s to the daily jouney of health !
YAY! I just ordered a whole bunch of stuff including several orders of bagels! Thank you Jennifer!
I am almost finished reading your book and find myself in tears a lot of the time thinking about how frustrating it has been for you to find your way through this disease. It is horrifying that so many doctors treat women’s diseases, especially, so lightly. My daughter (47) was diagnosed about a year ago so I have been gradually becoming more familiar with Celiac symptoms and foods. She has done very well and has discovered a gluten free bakery near where she lives in a Chicago suburb.
My husband and I were very sorry when you suddenly were gone from Blue Bloods but now I completely understand. I wish you all the best!
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