As some of you have probably noticed I have not posted in a few weeks. Some of you may have come to the sad conclusion that something was wrong. Yes it is so, my beloved Troop, Betty Boop has passed away. It happened a few weeks ago and I just needed some time to breathe. She went quickly and in my arms as I said goodbye to my sweet wonderful friend. I thank you all for your kind words and prayers. She was an awesome dog and a better friend.
I have written previously that in her last months she ate like a Queen. Her favorite meal being a juicy well seasoned Filet Mignon. Her eyes would light up as the smell would take over the apartment. Towards the end though she really wasn’t very interested in food. Except when would I sit next to her on the floor to share her steak she’d have a few bites as if to say “thank you”. Then I thought what better recipe could I share! It’s simple, savory, and should absolutely be shared with someone YOU love.
My other Troop, Mr Beans is finally getting over the loss as well. He is ready to get back to our mission of bringing you delicious nutritious recipes and all the best information for your health.
We thank you, send you love and of course MUCH MUCH HEALTH.
Ever Onward,
Jennifer Esposito
Betty Boop Steak
preheat oven to 350*
Filet Mignon
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
1. You want the piece(s) of meat at room temperature.
2. Season with salt and pepper on both sides, take olive oil and brush over steak.
3. Make frying pan nice and hot with olive oil and even a dab of butter or Earth Balance. The heat of pan should be high enough so that if you splash some water on pan it sizzles. You can use a grill pan or a fry pan and put the steak down when hot enough.
4. The thickness of each steak will determine when and how often you turn it – you don’t want to turn it too much. You want to let it get a nice crispy outside, sear it. 2-3 minutes on each side (depending on thickness).
5. Then pop steak in oven for about 5 minutes and after you take it out let it sit for few minutes to let juices marinade. You can cut up some ripe plum tomatoes to put on top of the steak with some added olive oil and salt and pepper. Another great option is to slice the steak (on chopping block) against the grain of meat and put over some fresh spinach, drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper. YUM!!!!
Betty Boop in her Glory Days
I’m so sorry for your loss
I still miss my furry friends and it’s been many years. They truly are family!
Jennifer as I’ve tweeted in the past I know how much Betty Boop meant to you.Tbe story is so touching & heartfelt. I’m glad you & Troop are doing better. I’ve been following you on twitter and website. I’m also a huge BB fan. We’ve tweeted each other on several occasions and I’ve tweeted pics of Betty Boop to you. Enjoy your break from BB’s try 2 do something special and relax. Your super fan. Nancy
Thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry for your loss, I know how it feels unfortunately…
The photo’s are so lovely.
what i would give to take your pain. i know when my time comes i would want someone to take mine. i will honor your betty boop by fixing betty boop steak for my queen. my little mommacita (17 year old poodle with 1 tooth) and we will enjoy it for ya’ll. again, i know i am nobody, but if ever i can do anything for you or frankie beans, i am an email away. my prayers for you….
She’ll come back to you in your dreams, and they will be so real that you will awake and wonder where she is. It happened to me with my labrador Hazel, she let me hold her ‘just for a minute’ before she disappeared. I awoke in tears, but realizing that she gave me a gift….to know she was OK!
Sending really wonderful thoughts your way…and how lucky are you to have loved so deeply and unconditionally! Thinking about you and sending you love & blessings!
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I am also a dog owner and know how hard this is for you. In fact, I had to read about your other post about the wonderful lesson/story about Betty Boop at the beach running free and happy again to “comfort” me.
So sorry for your loss. It’s terrible when it’s their time to go but they are a blessing to have had in our lives. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. God Bless.
Aniamls are special. They come into our lives to enrich us and give us responsibility. They are our children. Betty Boop was honored to have you as a mom and you were blessed to have her. The photos show how much she was loved and how much she will be missed
What a beautiful dog! My sympathies go out to you.
A GREAT dog and a great friend. She’ll be missed.
Jennifer, So sorry about BB. I know how hard it is to lose one of your best friends.
Jennifer, I am so sorry for your loss. Betty Boop is not with you physically right now but she will always be with you in your heart and memories. Don’t forget about the Rainbow Bridge. You will be reunited with her when it is your time and you will cross over the Rainbow Bridge together side by side. You can Google the Rainbow Bridge. There are some links that has music that goes with the poem. I truly believe in this because it is perfect and God is perfect and loves us so much so I believe that there is a place such as this. I look forward to seeing my St. Bernard Koko who I lost 5 years ago. The pain is mostly gone but the great memories are there for eternity. God Bless you and your family. Have a wonderful Easter and a happy birthday if I forget. I think that I saw that your birthday is April 11th. I remember this because my daughter’s birthday is that day. I can’t believe that she is turning 18 and will be soon off to college and then medical school if her dreams come true. Anyway, take care and God Bless you always and forever!
Fellow dog lover,
Jennifer, I am so sorry to hear about your loss, pets are so loyal they are wonderful companions and friends. I to had a great loss about 3yrs. ago with our 4yr. old yellow lab, it was so unexpected we had taken him to the vet that morning and was told he would be just fine we went to dinner, and never got to say goodbye to him, his name was Dallas he will always have a place in our hearts and will never be forgotten. The photo’s you shared are so sweet you can tell she was so loved, my heart goes out to you.
Jennifer…I am so sorry for your loss. I am a dog lover and have sadly lost 2 of the most wonderful babies…they are such a part of the family. HUGS to you!!!
Hi Jennifer, sorr about your lost, Betty Boop was a fighter, and you fought for her as well, that’s why you had her for several more months, she ate and lived like a Queen in the Esposito castle. You are truly a loving and caring person. My best to you and Frankie Beans. Hope you have a Happy Easter.
I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. God bless you and keep your chin up.
what a beautiful dog–love the pic w/ the red glasses.
how sad for your loss–sending healing wishes for your heart to mend.
Peace and Raw Health,
I am so sorry. I have a 16 year old cocker/golden mix and the last few months he is starting to fail. He is my baby as I have no children. I can’t imagine saying goodbye, but I know at some point it will happen. Hugs to you and take the time to grieve.
Poor Minnie! I heard she was heartbroken when Walt’s PI sheowd her the 8 X 10 glossies. The more outre’ elements were used to blackmail Mickey into his still restrictive contract, and was one of the reasons Will Hays cracked down on poor Betty. She had a thing for guys with only four fingers, what I heard, and only took up with Mivkey after she found out Goofy was into animals. As for her dalliances with Felix, the prototypical Fritz the Cat, we won’t go there. (Those aren’t really puzzle rings, you know.)Great cartoon site link, BTW. BCNU
Dan RobertsMarch 7, 2012I was sad to hear your dog Betty Boop passed away. I am sorry to hear of your loss. She was a very big part of your life and she’ll be miessd but never forgotten.
Jennifer, reading this brought me tears. It brough back the memories when my beloved Rex died. He was part of my family for 14 years…He was the joy of the house and he was a truly friend and great company when I was sick before the diagnosis of the celiac disease. He died a week before last Christmas (liver cancer) and I miss him so much. Everyday. Thank you so much for sharing…you are an inspiration.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I’m portuguese
A huge hug and be strong! Rest in Peace Betty Boop…
Hi Jennifer,
Just ran across your story on a Celiac Support website I view with Delphi Forums. I am anxious to try your recipes. It took awhile for me to get a DX too but I was so relieved as I thought I had cancer like my Mom.
Betty Boop was so pretty. My son & his family have a Bernese too named “Burton” (they are snowboarders) and he is a BIG LOVE! I am sorry you had to go through that loss. Been there, done that with several of my dogs and it’s the worst.
I love Blue Bloods!
Hey Jennifer, what a blessing to see u on Dr. Oz today & to be able to come to your website here. I don’t have celiac but I have another auto immune disease called dermatomyositis. I too for such a long time battled w/Dr.’s to find out what was wrong with me, all but 1 treated me like I was crazy constantly giving me bipolar questionaires, after the last 1 I cried out to GOD the whole way home praying he’d lead me to s/o who knew what was wrong with me. The Dr. I just left had told me to try & get into a dermatologist again, so i called my usual one but thank goodness I couldn’t get into him, he never knew what was wrong all the times before that I asked him so I went down the phonebook & there was only 1 I could get into soon so I made the appt. w/him. At my appt. the Dr. came in shut the door & said I just want u to know before I look at u I believe I know whats wrong with you, I instantly started cryin & he said oh don’t cry its bad but hopefully we can get u in remission, im gonna send you somewhere that knows how to treat you; I said im not cryin cause its something bad im cryin cause your the answer to my prayer. He sent me to the cleveland clinic, which they are awesome there but I been on so many meds that I absolutely hate to take cause they destroy something else, plus I get IVIG treatments 2x’s a mth that are insanely expensive. Anyways cause I hate to take manmade meds, I so wanted to find a natural Dr. who’s also a real Dr., had a hard time findin 1 til 1 day a lady who works at my bank told me about a Dr. Auckerman at Ohio State Hospital. He’s awesome also, he done tons of blood work & told me im a mess & he recommended I take gluten out of my diet & take a ton of various vitamins a day but this has proven to be so hard for me, I have such a brain fog from my illness & all the meds they’ve had me on over the years that I can’t understand the gluten thing so I just gave up cause it seems to be in absolutely everything & I don’t know really how to recognize if its in some things. Thankfully because of seein your story, I want to get motivated again, & hopefully through your site I can figure out this gluten free thing. Thank you for doing what your doin & I love the fact that your a famous person yet your so down to earth & have such a positive friendly personality. Im thankful you never let stardom get to you like it does most. Your an inspiration to me, I too love blue bloods, its a great show. GOD bless you!!
I am so sorry for your loss of Betty Boop.
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