I am here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much to say I don’t even know where to start!!!! I will start with where on earth I’ve been. Bahamas? No. Italy? No. Lower East side NYC? YES! Not as glamorous as you might think – but for sure more rewarding. As most of you know I opened a gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and peanut free bakery that is mostly vegan, organic and a SAFE ZONE for people like us. Yes I’m actually there baking away! Its been a long, long road getting this passion project off the ground and MOST of the time well worth it. Yes, there are times when I question what the hell I was thinking? Then a weary person comes in who has allergies to everything like me and is use to seeing things they can not eat and realizes that the chocolate chip cookie looking back at them is SAFE! Their eyes light up, a smile, sometimes even tears, and all the work is somehow worth it. Or the dad that brought his little boy in the bakery, sat him on the counter and told him he could have whatever he wanted. It would be the boys FIRST COOKIE EVER!!!!!! The boy looked at me like I was Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny all wrapped up in one. There have also been countless conversations with customers, celiacs and non celiacs alike, who just want cleaner food. We discuss everything from the difficulties from this lovely disease, to the current state of the gluten free world. The bombardment of so called “gluten free” products are now everywhere and just getting worse. The list of ingredients in these products are deplorable. Not to mention every nonsense book, article and ill informed “journalist” spewing just more inaccuracies to hurt the celiac community even more. Yes I was the one who screamed while getting dressed for the bakery one morning to see the word celiac spelled WRONG on screen of the Today Show and wrote to Gluten Dude and tweeted immediately. I also am aware of the recent opinion about dating a gluten free eater from Hota Kotbe. I was so shocked, horrified and saddened. I’ve met her twice and she seems like a lovely person. I seriously don’t think she realized how hurtful her comment was. Either way when you have a platform as she does to reach millions you have a responsibility to choose your words carefully. Which brings me to an issue that i wanted to talk about about with this disease. Yes another one. Discrimination.
Yes discrimination. I have never seen people with an illness, such as the celiac community, have to keep begging for understanding, people to listen, and to have to keep explaining their existence and severity, as this one has to. The fact is people still do NOT think Celiac is an actual DISEASE. I’m sure you have all heard being called an allergy or better yet now i’m hearing and reading articles that are stating that Celiac disease is all a state of mind. REALLY? And I’m sure you have all gotten the looks and sneers from a waiter or even a doctor. Or how about the even less than understanding WORKERS (CBS should still be sued) and even worse, family members not understanding. It’s sad but true. People just do not understand this disease and in my opinion, many don’t care to. Most are just interested in making money off us with their new “gluten free” product. Case in point, I walked into this new chain of burger shops here in NYC that claims in big bold letters to have gluten free options. Yet when you read the fine print it says “not recommended for people with gluten allergy due to cross contamination” REALLY!!!????????? Who the F%$# is it for then? THe hipster who wants to be gluten free because its the new “fat free” fad??????????? Or how many times have you had to fight with your pharmacist stating that most generic drugs contain gluten! When i do have to take some kind of prescription (which I hate to do) I have to constantly argue that I can NOT have the generic version of the drug due to the gluten used in it as filler. They argue with me then always say, fine but the brand is expensive. Oh yeah then your insurrance won’t pay for the brand either, thats always a fun day. But its the recent discrimination that just literally had me speechless.
About a month ago I received an email from my landlord, who I’ve maybe seen and spoken to three times in a year, that my lease was up on my rental apartment and he was not renewing for another year. WTF I thought!! Why? What Why HUH? I fixed this place up and made it home??! I’ve always paid my rent and have been an ideal tentant. Never really home, at the bakery most of the time and quiet when I am home. I’ve also never bothered him about the drafty windows, sinks that don’t drain properly, the mice that come to visit or the list of other problems in the building. I’ve lived in small run apartments for close to 20 yrs in NYC and know that getting a landlord to do anything is like getting blood from a stone. It isn’t happening. So I did what I always do, took care of everything myself and went on my way. So when I was being asked to leave, and without explanation, I was confused to say the least. I emailed and called to no reply. I wrote his realator as well and she said she had no idea why I was being asked to leave. Running a bakery, finishing a book and dealing with this disease is enough of a challenge. Adding moving to the list was just not in the plan. I decided to call the realator who rented me the place just a year prior to try and make sense of it all. We decided to meet. As she walked up to greet me she was on the phone and gave me the wait a minute sign. She was standing in ear shot of me and I could hear everything being said on the phone. I figured out quickly it was the landlord. He went on to say to her that he googled me and read that I was no longer working on “that show” because of a disease and didn’t want to deal with me possibly not being able to pay rent in the future because of it. He then whet on to say he checked my finances and didn’t think I was suitable anymore for his apartment. My favorite line, “between you and me” came next. My realator and I just stood there stunned. Disgusting? yes. Unimaginable? yes Illegal? YES. Do I have the time, money or constitution to fight him about this? No. Believe me I am so deeply disgusted by this I can’t even explain. BUT I need to spend the energy I do have on doing something positive, like the bakery and the book. If I spent time on every negative thing that came along with this disease I would be overwhelmed to say the very least. My point in telling you this story? Well to vent to a community who “gets it’ but more importantly, to say, I AM STILL HERE AND WILL CONTINUE TO TRY AND MAKE THING BETTER FOR THIS COMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!! The road is obviously long but I am dedicated to trying my hardest to change things for us in some way. If even just being another voice in a crowd for now! It’s times like this that I think about that little boy that was able to have his first cookie at my bakery that I hold on tight too and know that its the small steps that will pave the road to something better. I’m hopeful.
Wow have you been through a lot!! When it rains it pours. I am however so so glad that you are doing what you are passionate about. Kudos to you! Staying positive is key indeed. On a different note…. not one person could ever ever ever take your place as Danny Reagan’s partner on Blue Bloods and I was incredibly sad to see you go. I wish you all the best with everything you do. You are an amazing woman. Take good care,
This sounds like me with NCGS, soy allergy, histamine intolerance and mast celk activation syndrome. I can’t walk into a place where they have toast, or other odors. I do cry when I find something whole and delicious I can eat. I’m longing for a bagel. Thank you for having a bakery. I hope to be well enough to come there some day from Boston, but right now I’m too ill 2 travel. Thank you, really
okay, I can get why some people think us gluten free coeliac/celiac folk are just plain fussy (I don’t like it, but I get it) – but to be evicted from an apartment BECAUSE you have coeliac disease is just sickening… words cannot even comprehend, and I feel just terrible for you, it seems to be one slap in the face after another. How you have not lost your mind over this and gone postal really goes to show the quality of character you have, and it should be applauded.
I’ve been keeping up with the news of the Bakery and cannot wait to venture back to NYC and check it out. There really are not enough places where those of us with restrictive diets can eat, it’s really fantastic!
So deep breath, stay healthy, and keep up the superb work!
Thanks for doing all you do for the community and beyond. This landlord is a jerk. I’m sorry this happened to such a giving person
OH MY GOD! That landlord, crazy! I’m so sorry you’re facing such horrible discrimination. Is there something you can do? Sue him?
Anyway, I’m so thankful that you continue to fight this fight and raise awareness even though you’re facing difficulties every day! What you’re doing is helping a lot of people, never forget that
next time I’m in NYC, I’ll be sure to visit your bakery!
I cannot believe your landlord! I wish you well and, as I am sure you already know, we are ALL here for you as you are for us!
G-Free Love,
I’m so upset for you! I hate when Life isn’t fair and would get so mad as a kid when my dad would always say “life isn’t fair.” Your only revenge is to become amazingly successful at your bakery venture and SHOW THEM! I know you will succeed because there is such a need for exactly what you are providing and your hard, hard work will pay off soon! Hang in there!
You are in inspiration. Good things will come your way from the goodness that you put into the universe.
Your positive energy and focus on taking care of not only yourself but others will come back to you a thousand fold.
Go Gurl and God Bless.
Send us the name of your book – let’s get you some sales
and a more secure life. It’s so nice that you are helping others but ps your acting Rocks!!!
So sorry to hear what you’ve been going through – your landlord is nothing but ignorant, rude and discriminating…he should be ashamed of himself! However, please know that you are doing such good things to help those of us who suffer from this “disease” and I’m sure you know how very much appreciated you are to all of us! I met you in your bakery while you were baking and I have to thank you for bringing light to my family about celiac disease – after hearing from you guess what – THEY FINALLY GOT IT! Needless to say, the delicous cookies and cupcakes I bought that day – didn’t even make it back to Long Island, lol…
All the best to you always and once again, thank you for all that you do:)
I hate it when people don’t understand things fully and jump to conclusions without doing any kind of research. I agree that your landlord is an ignorant jerk and I also think that The Today Show should’ve gotten more than a slap on the wrist – I stopped watching years ago bcuz didn’t like some of the personalities. Keep doing what you’re doing and in my father-in-laws words, “Don’t let the bas**rd get you down!”
I saw an interview, earlier this week, with a doctor who was talking about the mistaken belief many who don’t have IBS and other ‘intestinal issues’ have, that this is ‘all in (their) head(s)’. He was talking about the science that proves that this is FAR from the truth–that this is VERY real for those living with it & those who love us.
I remember assisting a gf cooking instructor a few yrs ago, who saw a bakery manager putting ‘regular’ items in display cases, on open shelves over gf products & he/she didn’t see any potential cross contamination issues!
I also saw an interview w/Jorge Cruze (sp), talking about his new diet book (of coarse!) and saying that sprouted wheat products are gf! With all the solid information out there it always surprises me to see so many people still making these claims! We still have chefs who truly believe that gluten can be ‘cooked out’ of foods. We still have popular restaurants that believe that if they have a ‘dedicated rack’ of an oven specifically for gf that they are serving non-contaminated products. I never believe that, especially with popular places like those serving made to order pizzas. During a rush their employees are going to put any old pizza on any old, available oven rack, leading to cross contamination.
Who knows? You may come out of this with an even better apartment in the same price range! Just wanted to tell you that you’re an amazing person and to thank you for what you’re doing!
Thanks for the update. So sorry to hear about your jerk of a landlord. Moving is bad enough without being forced to move on top of it! I know your bakery will do well. I visited my sister in Chicago and was like a kid in a candy store when she brought me to Rose’s Bakery, all gluten free products. They don’t do the extras (soy, milk, peanuts) like you do, which I don’t need thankfully. And like you said, people really don’t understand, hate explaining when people INSIST eating something I can’t. They think what can one piece of cake harm….it’s POISON to us with celiac disease! Keep up the good work Jennifer, really miss you on the show!
Words can not express how much we miss you on THAT SHOW….hoping they bring you back!!
Hope you continue to move forward!
We miss you on the show too, Jennifer; very much! Glad though, that you are having success with your bakery. Sorry about your rotten landlord; it’s his loss! You are so right about people not understanding…they act like you’re just being difficult. In addition to Celiac, my daughter is also severely allergic to meat and fish. Keep up the good work…we’re all cheering for you !
Wow. Unbelievable. Stay strong Jennifer. You have so many fans and people rooting for you and for the success of your bakery – which is awesome by the way. You are an inspiration to many. Thank you for all that you’re doing to raise awareness of Celiac Disease. You don’t need CBS or that stinkin’ landlord. You are too classy for them!
Keep on keepin on – we appreciate people like you!
I hope that one day I can travel to New York to go to your bakery so my son and I can try everything! Thank you for making this a safer world for my son. Keep going!!
Yeah Jenn!! I only wish that you had been in NYC with this shop when I was told in 1987 that I was grain intolerant–not just wheat but all grains!!! I lived on the Upper West side at the time and found a wholistic chiropractor who changed my life. I many times thought about creating a cookbook for our type of eating but couldn’t find enough time and ingredients to create enough recipes. My best friend has been the Paleo Diet.
Thanks for educating one of the largest cities in the world!!!
Hang in there. You are the voice for many of us and you are not alone. Thank you for sharing all of the things you deal with. If not for you, I would feel that no one could possibly relate. When I read your blog, I can clearly see that there are many out there dealing with the same struggles. Thank you for all that you do! Stay strong! You are not alone!
So sorry to hear about all you’ve been going through & to be forced off BB & to move on top of it all, unthinkable. One day I hope to visit your bakery. Have you thought about having gluten free cooking/baking classes? As a chef I’d love to attend& learn more. Keep strong!
Love Eternal!
Thank you so much for sharing what you’ve been through. It helped me not feel so isolated. Just got back from a trip to celebrate a graduation and felt real alone and not part of the group because of all my eating restrictions. Celebrating and eating go together, I was hungry and tortured having to watch and listen to all the eating pleasures of everyone else. Your post took away some of that “I’m alone in this thing” feeling. I’m in California, maybe someday you will have mail order possibilities.
Jennifer – First, I wanted to say that I miss you on Blue Bloods. You were an integral and important character on the show. I’m sorry CBS was so stupid and insensitive. Congratulations on your bakery. I think you’ll be successful due to the importance of your mission and your passion. Thank you for updating all of us who enjoyed your work and care about you.
So sorry to read what you have been through, here I am, in Baja Mexico, where nobody knows or understand what is gluten, where is super hard to find even a gluten free cereal for breakfast, and people think you are to sensible or dramatic about food… I feel better than ever since I found out I was celiac 4 months ago and dreaming of pizza, a doughnut, or a slice of fruit pie….
Your blog was a blessing for my life, I was in bed suffering from stomach cramps, and saw you in a today show (I’m not sure do all the crying I had at the moment) and you talked about a deasease, google your blog, read it and I cried and cried of happiness unsure if that was the thing that was making me so sick, depressed and anxious !
You are a blessing, that day changed my life…hugs from Mexico…
If you have delivery to San Diego I hope to try something from your bakery…
There is no justice in this world of ours but we do have to keep at it. So sorry you had to come across a jerk that thinks you have a disease that will contaminate his precious building, geezzzzzz.
I live off the island of Montréal Canada but I follow your blog, your ups and down and it helps me cope with my own reality – P.S. Would you like to move to Montréal and open a bakery here? lol
Keep at it – go girl gol –
a grandmother of four.
“I have never seen people with an illness, such as the celiac community, have to keep begging for understanding, people to listen, and to have to keep explaining their existence and severity, as this one has to. ”
This is a brilliant statement & pretty much explains it all in a nut shell.
Thank you so much for all your articles..I felt inspired after seeing you on tv….I have been through similiar things with work and with just people in general not understanding and being insensitive..This disease to me is by far worse than most would ever understand…thanks again…. I am trying to get well and get out bed everyday to care for my boys as a single parent..I will visit your bakery soon coming from cape cod…thanks again LJ…
Hi Jennifer,
I love that you have been so honest and outspoken about what it is like to have Celiac Disease, and that you are willing to share both the good and the bad apects of it. Your blog and the information which you share on here is a gift to all of us in the Celiac/gluten sensitive community. Your landlord sounds like a huge jerk but you will get through this and succeed! I hope you are feeling well. I cannot wait to finally come to your bakery this summer!!
I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. I miss you on Blue Bloods. It is on of my favorite shows, but it doesn’t seem the same without you. Hope they can bring you back. God Bless You. Take care.
Thank you a lot for giving eyrevone such a remarkable chance to read in detail from here. It can be very amazing and as well , full of a good time for me and my office acquaintances to search your blog the equivalent of 3 times in a week to learn the newest stuff you have got. Not to mention, I am also actually impressed with your great techniques served by you. Selected 2 areas on this page are surely the finest I’ve ever had.
There are just a lot of JERKS out there!! You are doing a great job of staying tough and staying positive.
I thought to myself, what would I say to this woman, writer and inspirer if she reads her comments. What matters? Is she even looking for a response or is this just an informative piece. She may even feel better enough already and may not need another word. If you do however, my word for you would be “HEARD!” You are “HEARD,” by me.
Thank you for speaking mine and many others hearts and “UNHEARD” thoughts. What a relief it is, your courage. To remind everyone that all the side effects, landlords and other ironic situations that may come up or occur, or the many sacrifices for the sake of cause are difficult. However, that we should not grow weary in doing “good.”
Can’t wait to read your book Jennifer and whenever I return to the beloved East Coast home again, to visit your shop. Soon, you’ll see people with CD will visit your shop the same way someone visits a museum because they love art.
-Sergio Valentin
I can not thank you enough for your comments. I cried. Being HEARD with this disease is exactly why I started this blog. This disease at times leaves you so alone and unheard its frightening. I sincerely thank you again. You made my day. Hope to see you in the bakery soon!!!
Much gratitude
What an asshat! I hope he doesn’t treat all small business owners like that!
Best of luck with everything, I really enjoyed my visit to your bakery – you’ve created a wonderful place!
I am so sorry that you are having to deal with all of this adversity in your life! I have always enjoyed your work as an actor! I absolutely loved you in Blue Bloods and I am sick about the way CBS has treated you! There simply is NOT a replacement for you!!
I was lucky enough to have a friend bring me some cookies from your bakery when she was visiting NYC. As a Celiac, I was thrilled to be able to eat a healthy, “clean” cookie. It simply made my day that it was from your bakery! Good things will come to you! You have so many supporters! Thank you for everything you are doing!
I am so sorry to hear this Jennifer, this is an outrage!! So frustrating that more money and time are the only way to “put him in his place”. I feel for you that you are going through this.
I am SOOOOO excited to finally come try your famous bagels and baked goods all the way from Arizona this weekend!! Thank you for all you are doing for our celiac community!
I’m a great fan of your work. “Blue Bloods” is not the same w/o you! They can’t seem to find a believable replacement. Visiting my son in NYC last month, I asked him to take me to your bakery – hoped to see you and express my regret that CBS missed a big opportunity to be decent. You’re a survivor, Jennifer. I wish you success with your bakery and I hope to see you in another part soon.
Wow, you are an inspirational woman.
I do not have Coeliac disease, nor any allergies but I would totally shop in your bakery just to support you and eat a healthy alternative to the junk we are forced to eat in most grocery stores.
Have you considered doing any “online” mail order type sales? Many baked goods can be vacuum sealed for online purchase.
At any rate, you are a wonderful actress and were shafted by CBS, lots of people have diseases and are not given such a hard time, hell some people are drug addicts and alcoholics, miss acting work, and then are given their own new shows!
All the best to you in this wonderful new endeavor.
Love to stop in when I get to NYC!~
i realize that your post is a few months old, so I hope that your housing issue has been successfully resolved. As you must know from your many years as an apartment dweller, it is next to impossible to evict a tenant, so I hope you have not budged from your residence. While your landlord certainly has the right to require evidence of ability to pay when considering a lease, I find it difficult to believe that a tenant with a perfect payment record, an active career (it is not like leaving one show means no more work), and a business could reasonably be disqualified. I suspect a projected earnings printout and evidence of savings and investments would mollify your landlord — IF the real reason is your “inability to pay” and not a smokescreen for his desire to jack up the rent or remodel…. The easiest solution for you, of course would be to offer to pay several months in full or get guarantor — all slightly insulting, but expedient. I am guessing your pride could take the hit just to close the dispute. As an attorney, I would also suggest keeping it amicable — i.e., pretend to “take the blame”" I understand your concern as a landlord, so I am happy to offer to assure tenancy by advancing 6 months rent….” That way if it comes to legal action, he is the villain — plus, you might want him to actually do some work. BTW, make sure you list all your upgrades and needs in writing for the record. And send the jerk a box of gf muffins in case he has any sense of guilt… Good luck — I wish I were in nyc to go to your bakery b/c the photos of your vegan bagels almost made me cry!
Jennifer, I was sorry to hear about all of your troubles with your landlord. Some people are just unbelievable. I do not have celiac disease, but my husband and 11 year old son do. Our house has gone completely gluten free. My son had a Christmas program at school yesterday and I took lots of time and care to prepare two types of gluten free cookies, label them and take them to the program. The woman in charge had set a separate table for gluten free cookies and one for peanut free cookies. The cookies all started in the correct spot, but I was very upset to discover at some point someone had took it upon themselves to dump my tray of gluten free cookies in with a tray of regular cookies! It makes me so mad. I wish people would understand that celiac disease is a very real thing. Undoubtedly many of these people will develop celiac at some point in their life. I think all of the GMO’s we have been using in our foods has caused the plethora of gluten, peanut, soy and other allergies/diseases out there. I am going to be transitioning to a completely gluten free diet myself, as I am developing symptoms of celiac disease. Please take care and thank you for your website. I am always looking for new information.
WOW!!! My diabetic son has just been diagnosed with Celiacs disease. I was hunting around the internet for information as his doctor provided only a tiny leaflet. To read this and know that his already difficult path is about to get worse, I am blubbering!! I cannot understand how people can be discriminatory about a disease??? If this can happen to a greatly respected actress in New York city, how are we going to cope in a tiny regional town in Australia?? Jennifer you have my upmost respect!!
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