Just a quick recap and correction. The last post I spoke about Leaky Gut and what I was doing to help heal it. I’m taking Metagenics UltraClear Sustain, Glutagenics by Metagenics, and Acidophilus, and Quercetin. Also, I’m avoiding all allergens and anything else I am allergic to at the moment. The Lymphatic Drainage Sessions are to flush my body of toxins and then going for vitamin IVS at my doctor’s office. If you believe you might have Leaky Gut, please go see a doctor who will listen and help you.
Now on to the Fun Stuff!
Oh Yeah! Vegan, Dairy, Gluten, Soy, and Refined Sugar-Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies! Take that falling eyelashes!
These cookies are delicious, even more delicious for me, for many reasons, let me explain.
When I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I was depressed beyond belief. I know many of you understand having an Autoimmune Disease sucks, yes but was the thought of giving up so much of what I loved – cakes, cookies, bread, and pasta. After realizing my fate and healing from the devastating damage this disease had already done to my body I got in the kitchen again. If course this time all was new and confusing. I managed to start to create recipes. Yummy recipes of things I loved. About 75 of them to be exact, at the time I was using dairy and regular sugar. Months after that I was happily baking away but still feeling great, I was told dairy was no longer my friend either. I discovered on my own research that white sugar was an enemy as well, which also meant corn was their evil cousin. At that time if that wasn’t enough after doing some research on Soy, I opted to keep that out as well. Now what do I bake with though? Air? Knowing me now from my posts, I got back in the kitchen Again. I REDID all recipes – All 75 of them and then some. So recently when my eyelashes and hair decided to start falling out, as explained in the last post, I thought, oh no, not another allergy. Yes, even more allergies thanks to a leaky gut. Almonds now were a big problem as well as chocolate – CHOCOLATE! Really – I’m really being tested here I thought. What was I to do? Give up, cry, scream? Not going to say I didn’t do all of that, because I did have a day that I was so pissed, maybe even two days. After I realized that it wasn’t going to the be end of the world. I got back in that kitchen and I made myself a cookie. A Gluten- Free, Dairy-Free, Corn-free, Refined Sugar -Free, Nut-Free, and Soy- Free Oatmeal Cookie. YUM to the E!!!!! Take that allergies, what a victory I thought. Again, a dance of joy came upon me as the first batch came out of the oven – Healthy, Beautiful, Delicious cookies that not only gave me some sort, however little it is, control back from this ever changing autoimmune disease. I share them with you. Make them, enjoy them, and do a little dance for you. Today you won!
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (eyelash cookies)
Ever Onward,
Jennifer Esposito
Good effort! Will give this a whirl. Are they rolled oats? Seems to be some ambiguity over whether oats are gluten free.
Again when using oats they MUST be certified gluten free
ever onward
I would still be careful with oats. There is a lot of controversy involving their safety in a celiac diet. I personally do not consume them at all, whether they are labelled as gluten free or not, because in my home country, Germany, they are generally not considered safe.
i am also from Germany and a leader of a self help group for “Celiac’s”. i and many members of the self help group enjoy the 50 gramms (never more) of certified gf-Oats from “BAUCKHOF” every day.
Everyone interested in trying should slowly increase up to 50 gramms when starting with Oats.
lovely greetings
Bob red Mill has a gf oatmeal steel cut and rolled. Get a whole foods or when in Oregon can go to the factory store in milwalkie oregon
Ever onward Jennifer! Thanks for sharing this, and also giving us a peek into your feelings and how you deal with them. You’re so strong and an inspiration to so many!
As a Celiac who became extremely sick with leaky gut 6 years in to my GF life—I cannot stress enough that you need to look into the GAPS/SCD diet to truly heal leaky gut! While yourn recipe here looks great, I can tell you that the science of SCD would tell you the amount of extremely hard to digest polysaccharides is still devastating your villi by feeding the bad bacteria that cause the leaky gut to begin with. By using a whole foods ‘Specific Carbohydarte Diet’ you will find that your supplements will heal your damaged guts at an accelerated rate. My family is living proof at just how well GAPS/SCD works. Lots of info on the net about the diet and the amazing science behind it—but if you are working with a good MD that understands the condition, they should also we well versed in the diet and it’s science. Good luck!
thank you i will look into this asap!!!
ever onward
Jennifer – Thank you so much! I only recently found your site after seeing you on Dr. Oz and I can’t wait to try these recipes. I’m not diagnosed with Celiac but I have other auto immune issues and from my own research I have come to believe that gluten and sugar are killing us and corn, soy, and wheat are so heavily genetically modified they are no longer safe. So even w/o a diagnosis, I’ve decided to change my eating to be “free” – free of corn, gluten, most dairy, sugar, soy, and all non-organic fruits, vegetables, and meats (most meat on the store shelves are full of hormones and antibiotics and are not raised properly). It’s easy enough to find a gluten free recipe or a sugar free one… but it’s been very hard to find good recipes that meet ALL of my new requirements. So while I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis, I am beyond grateful that you are sharing your experience and your recipes. Thank you!
Dear Jennifer and all Celiacs. I have not yet been diagnosed with Celiac as yet, but when I saw you Jennifer on TV, I just about had a heart attack when I heard you explain the disease and your symptoms. I have been having symptoms of one or another since I was 13 years old. Started out with gastritis, then went to add diverticulitis, Colitis, extreme constipation, bloating, fatigue that sleep cannot quelch, vomiting, and sensitivity to wheat, dairy, soy, whey, peanut oil (peanuts) you name it. I am going to talk to my doc about testing my blood for leaky gut syndrome as well. I also have Fibromyalgia and top it all off, add H – Pylori disease that they cannot try to kill in me as I am allergic to all but ONE antibiotic. I have not felt “good” or even “human” for over 4 years, and all doctors do are to treat the symptoms such as inflammation in my gut when it flares up with Diverticulitis, etc. I am so proud of you for what you are doing to help all of us with “gut” problems. I am sure that more than 1 in 133 people suffer from one form or another of Celiacs Disease. Please, go on as many programs as you can (Hopefully they will pay you
) to get the word out about this devistating disease. Perhaps, if you contact someone with the University of California Medical Foundation, you can get them to support a spot on their UC Davis TV program that runs constantaly in all the clinics at UC Davis , and reach even more people.
I will see what I can find out about that possibility, as I am here in Sacramento, Ca area. Hope to have answer for you by the end of the month. Love and prayers, Blessings Trish
sorry to hear about lactose intolerance problems along with the celiac disease.
Do you take any protein and amino acid supplements in addition to your meals? I don’t know if protein intake is a problem for you or not. If so, then have you ever researched or tried “whey isolate”protein supplements? Companies are claiming lactose is removed in the creation process of “whey isolate”. Possibly, making whey isolate an additional protein source for those suffering from lactose intolerance. In the stores, most whey protein supplements are “whey concentrate” which contain lactose. Didn’t know if you had any experience with whey isolate protein supplements or not.
Jennifer, you really are a strong and inspirational person. As I have been going through being ill for the past 2 years with no confirmed diagnosis, I give you a lot of credit for your tenacity and “trucking on” attitude. I just got so exhausted with the countless doctors who were helpless and some extremely unprofessional and hostile. Would you recommend a good holistic doctor that you have used? Thanks so much and I love reading your blog.
Thank you for sharing. Can’t wait to try this recipe! Is there a good substitute for applesauce? My boss is allergic to a lot of foods and I have been on a quest to find recipes that she can eat.
Yes there is a substitute for applesauce. Try a very ripe banana or pumpkin as an alternative. Let me know what you think!
Thank you Jennifer! Boss can’t eat bananas but I’ll ask about pumpkins.
Have you tried the cookies without xanthan gum? I just try to avoid any of the additive ingredients (also because x.g. can be derived from corn). I have discovered that when I leave it out in cookie recipes and compare to with-it really has no difference. Cakes/breads are different, on the other hand. On another note, so happy to hear you have found some resolution with your eyelashes! I find what helps me keep a positive attitude while having so many food restrictions, is that it isn’t permanent. When the gut is healed, many previously allergic foods can be reintroduced.
Yes, I often substitute it as well I often use Flax or Chia seeds. Use 1 tablespoon of Flax or Chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes and it will become somewhat gummy and act as a binder. I hope this helps!
What kind or brand of maple syrup do you suggest? I assume its not the typical kind found in the grocery store since they are full of sugar. Thank you.
Yes, Organic Grade B Maple Syrup, please do not use pancake syrup as a substitute. I do not have a specific brand I use, I just make sure to read labels. Happy Baking!
Hi Jennifer,
When you list the 3 sugars – do you mean
1/2 cup maple sugar, date sugar, coconut sugar – 1/w cup of each or choose 1/2 cup of one?
Please reply.
sorry about the sugar issue
Its meant to say 1/2 cup of 1 of those sugars. they were just suggestions
happy baking!
Your oatmeal raisin cookies sound great but is that 1/2 cup each of maple, date and coconut sugar or just choose one of those sugars in the recipe?
RE: Eyelashes falling out — could this be related to an ‘iodine deficiency’… been doing some reading lately and hair loss is one symptom. Dunno… just an idea
The cookies look / sound really good. I’m trying to cut back on sugar — all kinds. ugh. It’s a challenge. I’ve realized that as a culture we use ‘sugar’ to celebrate all the special events in our lives.
I now make these for my family almost weekly/daily. Awesome recipe. Thank you for sharing. I’ve made ever recipe you’ve posted; each one is great. I can’t have gluten and was diagnosed with MS in 2006. You’ve made my like so much more enjoyable. THANK YOU!!
Ever Onward
I love your work; I’d love to connect with you as I went through a very similar issue with gluten and IV chelation and detox. Please feel free to email me as I’d love to connect and interview you! Thank you; looking forward to hearing from you.
I, also, am wondering about the amount of sugar. Do I choose 1/2 cup of one of the sugars listed or 1/2 cup of each? Anyone who has made these cookies could let us know about the amount of sugar. Thanks!!
I made these and they are delicious!!!!!
These look fab! Can I substitute the maple sugar for honey? I also see that you mentioned chia seeds as a substitute. I’ve got a bag of those in my pantry and I haven’t yet mastered how to use them, lol. Do you add them in the same amount as the xanthan gum or do you add more? I am going to try this recipe for the holidays. Thanks for sharing all that you do and being a voice for celiac awareness.
Yes you can use honey instead. Should Work out the same. As far as chia seeds they can be used as a binder instead of xamthan gum. Grind your chia seeds into a powder and use 1 tablespoon and 3 tablespoons of liquid, combine and set aside. It will start to become thick. Not only does this bind and can take place of an egg but is loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants and tons of other nutrients. Please let me know how your baking adventures turn out!!
Be Well
I made the Oatmeal Cookies. Pretty great! I can believe it doesn’t have eggs, flour or butter.
I am a baker and I am always looking gluten free items for my customers.
You hit this one out of the park.
Hi Jennifer,
I have a confirmed allergy to wheat, barley and rye and dx. Of IbS at the moment. Several issues with bowels for years., extremely rough medical history starting young now age 43. I have a 7 yr. old with autism, anxiety disorder, OCD, epilepsy, palpitations/chest pain, fatigue, leg, arm, neck pain, weakness, tingling for years. Both of us had colonoscopy and said we did have celiac (yrs ago) my grandmom and uncle (same family) both have it. Is it possible he can still test positive for it? I kow he has leaky gut. He is scheduled for MRI with bloodwork in 2 wks. Thanks for all you do! Sorry you have had to go through such torture to get where u r. (((((hugs)))) .
After 50 years through the LEAP Blood test and the Spectracell Vitamin Deficency test AND a smart young doctor, at the age of 68, I may be on the road to a better life, but can only eat 5 things. My motto……EAT TO LIVE, NOT LIVE TO EAT, I think it is my Chopin genes that will not allow me to absorb or digest foods! It is better than having cancer though.
We never realize how truly lucky we are to be in good health. After watching your interview on TV tonight, your story prompted me to start eating “smarter.”
Where can I purchase your new cookbook with the gluten-free recipes?
Hi Jennifer,
I noticed you use grapeseed oil. I usually use organic canola oil. What is your thought on using orgainic canola instead of grapeseed oil? Also, I cannot have corn and I looked up xanthan gum and it says that it can be derived from corn, wheat, soy, and a few other sources. So I was wondering if I can substitue guar gum for the xanthan gum?
Thanks for you wonderful recipes. I love oatmeal cookes; espcially the ones I do not have to substitute something for the eggs. I love that this is egg free.
You mentioned Leaky Gut Syndrome. Did you go on a special diet for heal your stomach?
Hi Jennifer,
Sorry, I didn’t read the very beginning of the page before the recipee that mentioned what you were doing for your leaky gut syndrome… sorry, I was so excited to read the recipee!!!!
Thanks again!!
When I printed the zucchini honey muffin recipe on Oct 19, 2012, it listed the milk as 1 Tbsp, that appears to not be sufficient. How much should it be? thx
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I hope one day I can make a cure for celiac. Having a family full of bakers its just depressing not able to try their food. Thanks for putting this recipe up I sure miss my nanas oatmeal cookies. And I will be trying this recipe today.
Pingback: Avoiding Gluten And Dairy Free Cookies | my gluten free diet
An outstanding share! I have just forwarded this onto a friend who was conducting a
little research on this. And he in fact ordered me lunch simply
because I discovered it for him… lol. So let me
reword this…. Thank YOU for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending time
to talk about this issue here on your web site.
Hi Jennifer,
I noticed you use grapeseed oil. I usually use organic canola oil. What is your thought on using orgainic canola instead of grapeseed oil? Also, I cannot have corn and I looked up xanthan gum and it says that it can be derived from corn, wheat, soy, and a few other sources. So I was wondering if I can substitue guar gum for the xanthan gum?
Thanks for you wonderful recipes. I love oatmeal cookes; espcially the ones I do not have to substitute something for the eggs. I love that this is egg free.
Thanks, alicia
This recipe looks great what are the nutritional facts, such as calories, fat, fiber??
Thanks for all you do!!!