Who doesn’t love pancakes. I remember when I was a kid, l mean really young like seven or eight and I was still too little to reach the higher cabinets where my mom kept the pancake mix, so I would climb like a monkey up the cabinets to get the pancake mix knocking over things off the counter, of course. As my family slept I would make a stack of pancakes higher than me, probably enough for an army. I used to make these fluffy, fluffy pancakes and add chocolate chip, bananas, blueberries and tons and tons of butter – the smell was just beautiful. So then when my “friend”, Celiac, came along and took away so many things I loved, those days of eating pancakes with my family were one of the memories I thought would long gone.
I was determined to created a pancake and yes I do have a mix coming out next week that will save you all the trouble of buying all the different ingredients. Until then though Ive created an alternative, especially for those, like me, who cant have eggs. Here’s a pancake for all of you vegans and people with nut allergies who can finally indulge too. A buckwheat, which is not wheat its a seed, many get confused, it is not a grain. Its full of protein and wonderful for you. I ‘ve also added some Teff flour, which is a grain found in Ethiopia, it has loads of nutrition and also a nutty flavor like buckwheat, it makes these pancakes just hearty, yummy and full of fiber. So make a batch of these gorgeous yummy nutritious vegan pancakes, add what you’d like and serve to all who love pancakes. I promise no one will know that there are not the kind that make you go back to sleep after you eat them. They will give you energy, nutrition and smile to boot.
Buckwheat Teff Pancakes
1/2 cup Potato Starch
1/2 cup Buckwheat Flour
1/2 cup Teff Flour
1/4 cup Brown Rice Flour
2 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup unsweetened apple sauce
2 tbsp Grapeseed oil
1 cup Rice Milk
1 1/2 tsp maple syrup
1/2 cup water
1. Whisk together all dry ingredients
2. Whisk together all wet ingredients. May need more or less liquid to get consistency that you like.
3. Add wet ingredients to dry a little at a time and mix until combined.
4. Make sure your pan is medium heat and is well oiled or buttered (earth balance). Pour batter a little at a time into pan. When bubbles start to form in center your pancakes are ready to flip

Ever Onward,
Jennifer Esposito
These look mighty tasty Jennifer! Experimenting with new flours (baking etc) in the GF realm has been a challenge for me because I am so familiar with non-gf flours & bake with ease.
Teff and Buckwheat are two I haven’t used, but this inspires me to try…they look really good & I love the fresh fruit!
Thank You for sharing!
Hi Jennifer im celiac i live in France and if it’s possible i would to interview you to talk about celiac disease and gluten Lots of love light love and peace beautiful soul <3
In addition to gluten I have to steer clear of night-shades which means no potato starch or flour. And just to complicate things corn is an issue too so I can’t just sub in corn starch. Any recommendations for substituting the potato starch in this recipie? I’m inclined to try it with rice flour as that has worked reasonably well in other recipies but I’d love your insight if you care to offer.
LOVING the blog! Lex.
I also can’t tolerate nightshades. I use tapioca starch or arrowroot. Plan to try these soon!
I am not a true celiac, but I had a problem with violent limb movements, especially at night. After many doctors and experiments, I went gluten free. Our daughter is a celiac and suggested, “Dad. Why don’t you go gluten free for a month because it runs in family’s. At the same time I went on some drugs and the two helped. Now I know that I must avoid glutens because if I cheat, I suffer. Also, my psoriasis has cleared up completelly after suffering with it for 60 years. I am 81 years old and it amazes me that the medical proffesion is so ignorant regading the problems that glutens can cause.
Is the amount of two tablespoons for the baking powder correct, or is it supposed to be two teaspoons?
Hi Jennifer,
I am soooo happy that you have some egg free recipes. I have so many allergies; that baking or things usually made with eggs is challenging…. Recipes don’t always turn out very good using “egg replacer” or other egg substitutes…
I can’t wait to try the pancakes… I have tried the blueberry scones and another recipe…. I can’t remember what it was, cookies…. not sure. I’m hoping to scan your recipe section to find them again.
My sister sent me the scone recipe she got from the “Dr Oz” site…..
Thanks again,
PS. love the scones!!!!
I just read the 2nd paragraph about the pancakes and realized you cannot have eggs either…… No wonder you have recipes without eggs…. Wow, so glad….. I have visited many GF sites but many of them use eggs in their recipes….
these tasted fantastic!!! thank you so much for your recipe. i was so excited to eat gluten free pancakes that actually tasted like light fluffy pancakes and didn’t take 10 minutes to cook! thank you!
Pingback: VeganMoFo: Jennifer Esposito and Celiac Disease/Gluten-Free Living | Fashion Actress
has anyone tried this recipe with another oil besides grapeseed. I don’t like to use refined oils. Coconut oil perhaps?
There’s something about kids and pizza they go so well togehter! But when your child is celiac or wheat-sensitive, he can still enjoy it making it at home, and it’s even better this way because you’re giving him the chance to be creative, plus you’re teaching him how to cook. What fun!
everyone has listed some great receursos for traveling when you’re on the gluten-free diet. We go on lots of short daytrips, so we usually just pack picnics with us. It’s a lot of fun for the kids to pack and picnic basket with their favorites before we go on our trip!