I found my little girl, Brooklyn, (pic above) happily on her back passed out in a small area of the floor where the sun had broken through my curtains. She was in a blissful state. Her legs twitched back and forth as if she were running through a large grass field with a million cookies all around. That was of course until she heard me go for my phone to take her picture. She woke up startled, her hair a mess and rolled over as if to say, “Really mom? That was a great dream”.
Sorry dear.
What I really wanted was to roll up next to her and catch some of those beautiful rays!!! Let’s just say its definitely winter in my neck of the woods. With our recent New York snow storm, the forecast saying a HIGH of 7 degrees this weekend and summer still 5 months away, I am ready to head for the hills….or a beach.
We all know how healing those beautiful warm and sunshiny days can be. The benefits of the sun are endless; vitamin C and D to name a few. As well as uplifting your mood because the exposure to the light boosts serotonin. Did you also know that sunlight helps in lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, helps increase oxygen content in the body and also helps build the immune system?
For me the sun has always been a warm glowing ball of happiness that instantly makes me smile. Which in turn lets the body release happy hormones and furthers that feeling of joy.
So take a lesson from my fury little girl; when that happy sun decides to show its face, make sure to take some time to lay back and dream for a moment. Even if its not so warm, it still has powerful healing benefits. I can bet you will feel better for the few minutes you did.
Also make sure to get your vitamins in other ways. Juices are a great way of doing this. I have a ton of juice and smoothy recipes that I make every morning for myself and this one is a favorite.
-1/2 Cup fresh squeezed orange juice or 1 whole orange
-1 Half inch piece of ginger, peeled
-1/4 tsp ground turmeric
-1 Apple, peeled ( I find skin of fruit hard to digest)
-The juice from 1 lemon or peel and put entire lemon in blender
Blend everything together in your Vitamix or other blender
Ginger- a powerful herb- everything from settling a bad stomach to help rid body of cancer cells
Oranges -good for digestion by stimulating digestive juices, Vit C to keep immune system strong
Lemon- antibacterial, antiviral, immune boosting digestive aide and liver cleanser
Apples- Vit C Vit K Vit B6 – immune system building
Turmeric- a powerful anti inflammatory, a natural liver detoxifier
Be Well,
Thank you, Jennifer, for the liquid sunshine recipe! I am a 1 1/2 years diagnosed Celiac…with symptoms going back 38 years. You are my guiding light and breath of goodness.
Keep up your beautiful work. Hopefully one day I will get to NYC, I’ll be at your bakery’s door for a breakfast treat!
This sounds wonderful! I just need to pick up some fresh ginger and I’ll be able to make this soon with my yummy Florida oranges. Mornings can be rough for me sometimes, because I am intolerant to so many foods and spices. If I accidentally eat something that bothers me for dinner the night before, I need all the help I can get to get moving. This definitely looks like it could be the anti-inflammatory drink that I need on a day when I’m not feeling so great! Thank you for all of your hard work and educating that you do to the public. I can’t wait to get to the bakery this summer on our trip to NYC. It’s the only place on my “must-see” list!
I loved this post! Thank you so much for all you share…I am so happy I got to see your beautiful beautiful girl! What a treasure she is. Also your recipe is prefect Ginger is so warming and wonderful and so are you! Much love to you both today and always. HUGS~XO
I have written a self published book about how Pellagra can be confused for most GI related problems.
It is called “How to Fight Celiac/Gluten Sensitivity/GERD and Win” but get no feedback about what people can do to help themselves with these symptoms. Jennifer, I sent a copy to you for the address I found found for your Bakery.
I have started a Blog to get the word about the connection that exist between the diseases.
Please read it prayerfully.
I believe I can have you burping in six months the way a healthy baby does after his first six months in this world.
We have forgotten the role the “God given” burp plays as a/the sign of a healthy digestive state.
Acute Pellagra is defined as suffering the 3 D’s (4 if you count death) of life.
Dementia (anxiety, depression, panic attacks, tingling in the extremeties etc) Dermatitis (rosea, Psorsias, acne, ezcema etc) and digestive disorder(such as (GERD, IBS, Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, Leaky Gut etc.)
Sound familiar!
Joe “Rock” The Celiac Posterboy