Happy Celiac Awareness Month!
And what a perfect way to kick it off, A Celiac Awareness TOUR in full swing!!!!
I’ve been working my tail off trying to get the good word out there about my book and what this tricky disease really means. There are some updates and additions to the tour that I wanted you to know about. I would love your support either in the audience, on the call ins or at book signing. Either way I will keep doing my very best to change the way people view this terribly misunderstood disease called Celiac.
Hope to see you!!!!
Here are some updates-
May 1 ——–The KATIE Show- tapes and airs LIVE — Check your local listings
May 2——-Doctor Show (Sirius Radio ch 81) on air from 12:00 to 12:30 call in to talk to me 877-698-3627
May 5——- New York Live! Airs at Noon I believe in NYC- Check Listings.
May 5——-Barnes and Noble in Tribeca NYC 97 Warren Street 6:00pm I will be signing books and speaking about my journey, with special guest Dr Fratellone.
May 8——-The Veria Show- Check local listings.
May 9——– Fox and Friends- tapes and airs live- Check local listings
June 5—— The Chew
More to come!!!!
Be Well
Go Jen Go!
Be Well and keep spreading the word
lol..that smiley looks a bit evil
Best of luck Jennifer. So hard to explain to people and even many MDs the widespread ramifications of celiac across so many of the body’s systems. You did a great job on Fox over the weekend making this point.
I just watched you on Katie! Great job but now I want a bagel, cinnamon roll and GF cupcake! Ha Will you be shipping out from the bakery? You looked beautiful btw and congrats on the engagement
Hi Jennifer,
I just watched you on Katie and now your bakery is a “must visit” for me the next time I am in NYC. Congratulations on your engagement!
BTW, have you heard about Suzie’s Quinoa Milk? It’s made/distributed by a company in Brooklyn, NY called Good Groceries. and I really like the unsweetened version. I was looking for a grain free, nut free AND carrageenan free milk alternative and was pleasantly surprised to find this in a local Rhode Island supermarket of all places. The product is not on their website, but they do feature it on the Suzie’s Naturals Facebook account.
Nice job today on the Katie Show. I want the bakery items. So happy to hear of your engagement. Keep on fighting for us.
Jennifer, I watched you on the Katie show today. You are such an inspiration. My story is very similar to yours, specifically the panic attacks, knee problems and overall feeling awful all the time. I found myself nodding my head often as you spoke of your symptoms. I too went to multiple doctors. It’s tough to describe all of the symptoms when they ask why you are there. Everything hurts, I’m tired all the time, I don’t feel good, I’m having panic attacks, I want to cry all the time, my knees hurt … It doesn’t make it easy for them to know where to begin. My docs prescribed everything from GERD meds to sinus rinses to pain meds for my knees. Nothing worked. I spent hours researching and decided to try the elimination diet. Once I removed gluten from my diet, I started to feel noticeably better in 3 days. Not sure if I have full-fledged Celiac, or gluten intolerance. Whatever it is, I feel much better without gluten in my diet. It’s tough at first but it does get easier to find and make foods without gluten. Thank you for everything you are doing to bring awareness to this so often misunderstood condition. Best of luck with your bakery, and congratulations on your engagement!
Hey Jen, just bought your book a week ago. It’s so nice to hear someone else went through what I did. As a child, I was thin, pasty pale and always sick… Up until two years ago… My GP and other Specialists just looked at me like I had four eyes… Like I was imagining the whole thing! I was so releaved when my sister called to tell me in June 2012 and said “Line, I know what ‘s wrong with you. You have Celiac Disease! She had not had any symptoms her entire life until five months prior to her diagnosis. Thanks to her, my mother , then 72, and I , then 48, finally found out what the problem was! I didn’t care what changes I needed to make because over the years I had tried everything and frankly knew more about nutrition than most Dieticians. It took a solid year before I started feeling a bit better. I was Happy to see your website and look fwd to visiting your bakery when I visit NYC next! God Bless you for spreading the word and for this awareness campaign. Most people still think it’s an allergy! Lol. Go girl go!!!!
Hi just happened upon your wbsiete via Yahoo after i typed inside, Khmer Music Somnangblogs or even something related (are unable to quite remember exactly). Anyhow, I’m happy I found it because your content is exactly what I’m trying to find (producing a school paper) and I hope you will not mind only gather several material through here and I am going to of course credit you as the reference. Thank you a great deal.
So glad I saw you on Katie the other day. I never even watch her show, but I saw you and the topic and I tuned in. The following day I was officially diagnosed (after having blood taken, more than once) with high intolerance to gluten, eggs and almonds, among other things. I’m so excited to have answers and to learn all I can about what and how to eat right for me, and feel better! Thank you Jennifer! Just bought your book and I hope you come to the Los Angeles area for a book signing some day!
Somehow missed the Dr. Drew interview 2 years back. So appalled I sent the doctor this message:
Dear Dr. Drew,
I happened recently to view the Jennifer Esposito interview from two years ago. Wow I hope you have since educated yourself on both Celiac Disease (CD) and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). Celiac is an autoimmune disease that is linked to type 1 diabetes and other inflammatory autoimmune disorders (see UChicago’s list of 300 disorders associated with celiac) – the most deadly being lymphoma.
The presentation of celiac varies from decade to decade (one’s age) and can impact just about every system in the body. As Ms. Esposito tried to tell you the length of time to diagnosis the longer the recovery with often residual issues. Years ago medical students were taught to think endocrine system when a patient presented with multi-system issues. Now they need to think CD.
Perhaps after re-educating yourself you can have a respectful conversation with Ms. Esposito about her book.
Hey Jen,
Nothing worth doing is ever easy. You will someday realize the change you have made in both individual lives as well as in the public’s resistant one.
My daughter suffered for twenty five years before removing gluten from her diet and finally feeling normal. Her realization helped countless others in our family, who had been diagnosed with crones, colitis and various other chronic stomach/intestinal problems, finally eliminate gluten and feel better. Finally! Years of suffering. You are doing great work and creating awareness, everyday.
Your work is having a trickle effect. Little by little people are learning that this is the reason for their own ill health or the ill health of a loved one. And you have helped so many you will never know or hear from.
You know the media believes the only way to sell anything is to sensationalize it, and so let them say what they will about your book. If someone picks it up thinking it’s fifty shades of grey, they might find themselves surprised, but also educated on celiac and your struggle.
You are following your heart. Your journey is a lesson. philosophers say – do we do good to others for their sake? Or is it because it makes us feel good? Either way, it’s a good thing. You are paying it forward everyday and one day you will see the fruits of your efforts. Meanwhile, keep the faith. Keep following your heart and your conscience. And thank you.
Best, Donna
I just found your videos and practically been crying. After being diagnosed 2 years ago I’m constantly still sick. I’m a DJ and started djing under the name #djglutenfree just to create awareness. I recently took fructose out of my diet and I was dairy free years prior. I REALLY want to go around and teach restaurants and fast food places, about the food prep. I’m up to help you in your goal as I have the same!