For You -
Believe it or not, my entire life I have ALWAYS felt like I just didn’t fit in exactly. Never really fitting into the mold that was set out in front of me.
In my young school years, I was made fun of for wanting to go explore the world and become an actress.
As a young girl on my own, I was a hard worker and although I loved to have fun too, drugs and alcohol were not my thing. Which again made me an outsider with certain groups.
As an actor, I was told I was too this or too that and never really became a part of the “elite group”. Furthermore I wasn’t very interested in being at the “right party” or “being seen” and that made me “weird” as well.
When finding out I had celiac disease, I felt even more like an alien on a different planet, even among long time friends and family.
I never imagined that the very thing, Celiac, which in its very existence makes me “different” or not part of the “norm”, has brought me to a sense of belonging and community that I have never before known. It was not until I got involved in this community that I truly understood what that word means.
I am so moved, grateful and humbled beyond words I can even think of. I thank YOU ALL for sharing your lives your words and your time.
I will continue to try and make people understand more about this disease now and always.
My deepest, deepest gratitude.
Thank you for this specific blog, as it is a relief to hundreds of us to know you feel better and will continue writing and working, I follow your posts and blogs and have sometimes felt that you could be a serious writer, ala Anna Quindlen, formerly a Times columnist–with some study of course. Best wishes on engagement
Hi Jennifer-
Your mission is evolving way beyond the scope of the disease now (not to say it is not important). You are a healer using your faith and the beautiful foods you create as tools to bring about healing on more than one level…there is no greater gift from God than these innate-creative gifts you are developing and giving to others in such a beautiful, honest, truthful and loving ways. You are an integral part of all of those folks on the journey of giving and receiving life abundantly… however invisible ‘WE’ may seem– we are all paddling the same boat against the currents of the old world systems.. Keep putting on your armour of ‘life’ every morning before you go out into the world.
- continue healing, seek plenty of rest, time to play. Love, L
Since you thanked God in your last post, if I may, I would offer these words of encouragement to you from His Word for all you are and do for everyone. Your compassion and “telling your story” most certainly saved my Mom and I from death by gluten so you will always be an important member of our family even though we’ve never met in person and more likely than not, never will.
You already are accomplishing the following by thanking God publicly. “Wisdom begins with respect for the Lord; those who obey his Words have good understanding. He should be praised forever.” Psalm 111:10.
The following explains why we usually don’t fit the “mold” we initially imagine for ourselves. “Go down to the shop where clay pots and jars are made, and I will talk to you there. I did as he told me and found the potter working at his wheel. But the jar that he was forming didn’t turn out as he wished, so he kneaded it into a lump and started again…. As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand.” Jeremiah 18:2-4, 6 God may form us into whatever “type of jar for whatever use” He wishes. I believe He has chosen to form you, a beautiful vessel, into a spokesperson to actually make a difference in people’s lives. This is much more important than “appearing at the right party or being with some crowd of people” as you have already recognized in your life.
Going through the process of “life” to become all God desires for us is never easy and His word tells us this so we are not surprised by the process. “We don’t enjoy discipline … It is painful. But later, after we have learned our lesson from it, we will enjoy the peace that comes from doing what is right.” Hebrews 12:11
The whole process of “life” can bring us unspeakable joy, if we are willing to endure and learn from the following words, which were directed toward the nation of Israel many centuries ago but which still apply to us today as children of the living God. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord…” Jeremiah 29:11-14
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6
Finally, verses my Mom has encouraged me with all of my life: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will direct your steps.” Proverbs 3:5-6
This encouragement came from God’s Word through my Mom to me. The authority of these words in my life are amplified by my Mom, who has endured 3 brain aneurisms, 2 brain surgeries, Stage 4 Lymphoma three times in the last 20 yrs and still smiles everyday and “thanks God” to be alive and walking around. Jennifer, you contributed directly to Mom walking around today because of your advocacy. You were the first person to tell us to avoid gluten, which has saved our lives!
I apologize for this long comment. These words are offered to Jennifer and anyone who is offended by these words or the length thereof, please feel free to skip this comment or any other comment of mine.
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:9-16
Jennifer, our family loves you and always will.
I also am off gluten and cow’s milk. I understand you Jennifer, that family and others look at you like your crazy. I too agree that we should be thankful for our special downfall, and I believe God has given you the passion to helping others in their wellness. As long as God gives you the ability, keep it up, and give Him the glory! Well done good and faithful servant!
Ditto above, with the calling, there comes a cross…. Your total acceptance will allow you to “part the waters” as the need arises, lol! I like the verse that suggests that we are, “led by his peace”, and, “hear the calm quiet voice”….
It’s a process, and you are in it! You will be given today only what you are equipped for today, is the promise… And ALL of God’s blessings everyday!
The Apostle Paul told young Timothy, “…To endure hardness, like a good soldier…”
At one point, Moses asked what The Lord wanted him to do next…?
God said, “Go on…”
Remember you are not alone and thousands of us are praying for your strength and wisdom daily… Love YOU!
Thank you for being such a pillar of this community. You didn’t ask to be put there, but you earned it. I/We are grateful for all you do every day to help raise awareness.
Well said.
, do not just get attached with all those hypes, do your rseraech and know all the facts and benefits about the foods you are eating.Catherine recently posted..
, not really all that heathly. I think the fact that you enjoyed your vacation, and got to enjoy some cider and gelato and a beautiful country should be the bigger focus just right now. You will absolutely get to your goal, it’s do able, for sure! But, don’t let yourself feel bad about enjoying your vacation. You deserved to enjoy it!! I have complete faith in your ability to fall back into the healthier eating habits!I’ve totally fallen off the heathly eating wagon too so if you want to start a group or do check ins to keep motivated /accountable let me know! I definitely need to stop eating out so much.
We love you Jennifer! Know you have a close community of friends here and in this community, we all finally fit in! God bless you!
like the great Gloria Gaynor once sang…”I WILL SURVIVE”
Thank You Jennifer for educating us on the Celiac disease. I want to let you know that you are such an example to so many woman and men but as a young woman living in a society that at times wants you to be a follower rather than a leader. Sometimes it can be challenging but I look up to women like you that are standing up and are not afraid to talk and help others with things that they have been through. You completely get all my respect and support in this community and everything you are trying to do.
It’s great to have an advocate like you – someone so down to earth and likable who can capture so many people’s attention as a result! Your book tells the story of so many of us – any criticism is absurd – on the bright side, it shows even the naysayers are paying attention! If they didn’t care, they wouldn’t have read it or talked about it! They are probably jealous that they can’t write as well as you!
I have been moved many times when reading this blog. I have been lifted up many times when reading this blog. Jennifer, you wouldn’t know us if we walked into the same room, but yet we all feel like family. When you are hurting and down, you aren’t afraid to write about it and we thank you for sharing your heart. There must be many, many more who read your blog but never comment. So I guess we are all part of “Jennifer’s Army”! Thank you again. You are in my heart and I wish good health and much happiness to you always!
Jen, you are a wonderful person, a million thanks to you for all you continue to do for all the celiac’s. love u to the moon an back ! You can’t imagine how great I felt when I walked out of you store that day last July. I walked in and burst into tears an walked out saying WOW! She understands me she’s going to help me! Omg Dear Lord I’m not going to die, I finnaly found someone that really understands. Not sure if I mentioned this b4 or not but when we left the bakery u gave me the doc’s phone number I was so excited well the next day we were on our way bk to the city I tried the number ” geez” it was the fax number I said oh my god the wrong number, oh well it was still nice to meet a kind caring person who understood me. Can’t lie about this I said to my friend geezzzzz now what? Didn’t even get to finish the sentence that we were coming back to c u. Boom the phone rang an low & behold yes yes yes it was the dr office calling me. I can never ever thank you enough. Love you Jen I pray every nite that God gives you the strength to go on…….
Thank you so much for all you do. You inspire and encourage so many! We are new to celiacs, my son has been suffering since he was 14 now at 21 he is starting to live life like a young man should! He had so many incorrect diagnosis and even it was all in his head which made him not want to see a Dr for a very long time. You have helped and given us encouragement through your book and website, please don’t let those ignorant people get in the way of your great work with celiacs!
Heartfelt Thank You to you Jennifer
Thank you and God bless you for all you do. You fit right into this community!
Yes to this!! As I see daily FB posts of eating adventures all throughout Europe by certain family that looks at me and my family as if we are psychotic for not being able to eat everything they do—-they are MAJOR foodie snobs!!—it’s always nice to get a grounding from our own kind
My young adult kids are ‘weird’ too because they eat whole foods to keep their Celiac in check—in fact, not even able to eat the packaged labeled GF stuff because they react to ALL grains. They don’t drink or participate in ‘normal’ stuff for their age group because like it or not, they ENTIRE existence is defined by the food available to them. Keep doing what you do to bring more attention to Celiac!
Thank you Jennifer! I’ve been enjoying your book. It has given me answers to symptoms I’ve had for many years.
I was diagnosed with Celiac May 2013. I asked for a blood test due to 15 years of anemia; after my sister was diagnosed by endoscopy.
Your book will help many people understand what we all go through.
I live in Europe, just read your book and have had so many of the same experiences as you in trying to get diagnosed. It was a nightmare, racking up high medical bills that even my medical insurance would not pay for, and paying for doctors who said all of my symptoms were in my head… Thankfully, I finally figured it out and went gluten free. Now, when I eat even a little gluten, I am ill for about a week. I am so glad you have published this book and have this site (as well as your bakery) to bring more light and compassion to this Disease! Thank you.
I am on page 147 of your book and I have smiled, cried, gotten pissed because of some of the same treatment from those around me. I thank god for your story for I did not know that I need to be on l-carnitine, or that I still need to be taking VD. You mentioned your inability to handle dairy. I too was unable to take in dairy of any kind. Even when regular cheese killed me I switched to sheeps milk cheese with fantastic results…but I now find I cannot even tolerate sheeps cheese!…What I CAN tolerate is non homogenized, non pasteurized milk…that is 100% RAW. I have no ill effects at all from raw milk!!!
It has helped my gut tremendously!!
My oncologist was worried about me consuming raw milk but I have made sure that the dairy
I get my milk from is one that prides themselves on cleanliness, feeds 100% organic to their cows, their cows are not continually forced to produce milk but allowed to rest and
their cows are not artificially inseminated or pumped full of chemicals.
I gleaned from Alejandro Junger that L-Glutamine along with Oregon Grape Root will help to heal my intestines…I have found this to be true- no more explosive diarrhea episodes. A chiropractor has recommended that I take Okra and Chlorophyll capsules to finish healing my leaky gut. I am currently looking for the Okra pills. My husband has been a godsend and has been on a GF diet since I was diagnosed many moons ago. I did find that If someone is cooking NON GF and I walk into their home I can experience symptoms of asthma. I also have Severe Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia… a white blood count that is in the toilet…I am only 1 of 3 people at my ppo, a very rare condition and was diagnosed in my 20′s with being allergic to every tree, grass and bush here in the sacramento valley, so severe that I am constantly hot and you can write on my skin with your finger nail and it stays….basically extreme histamine levels. All the docs tell my husband to get me out of the valley but that is easier said than done.
Just read your book, and I really enjoyed it. I have been fighting health issues (mainly joint pain and popping in the joints!) for 2 years now, and doctors still don’t know what is wrong with me. I’ve been tested for so many things with no answers. I went gluten free several months before I was tested for Celiac, and all of my tests have come back normal. I was very interested in Dr. Frattalone’s methods for healing, b/c I became suddenly intolerant to over 30 foods (gluten, dairy, eggs, peanuts, tomatoes, sesame, and many more). I have lost a lot of weight on a new diet and have malabsorption problems. I know I’m not absorbing fat. My symptoms are progressively getting worse, and I’m about to get another food intolerance blood test. What am I going to lose now?! Anyway, your book was a breath of fresh air for those of us struggling, and it gives me hope. I have a lot of Celiac symptoms going all the way back to my childhood (canker sores, very thin, upset stomach for years as a child, delayed puberty, slight anemia, etc.) I’ve been off gluten for over a year and still have joint problems. Wondering if food intolerances and the inflammation they produce are keeping me from healing. I’m still fighting the good fight! Thanks Jennifer for being such a strong voice for people like us!
I got to go to your bakery this past Sunday and got some goodies to take back to my sister, my daughter, and grandson. I felt like a kid in a toy store…I want one of those and 6 of those, and…… I can’t wait to surprise them when they come home from their trips.
Your book was a tremendous eye-opener. Its not that I didn’t understand what my sister goes through everyday but it is the toll it takes on her emotionally. It was so wonderful to go into your bakery and pick out these glorious breads, bagels, cookies, and cupcakes without fear of me giving my sister something that could hurt her.
As for me, my husband, my daughter and my little grandson, who are not celiac, we just love the taste and knowing that we are eating something wholesome without artificial anything to worry about, especially for the baby.
I have been doing some research on Autism and diet. Do you have any thoughts on the topic?
I have no words to describe the sense of validation I have gotten from reading your book!!!!
BTW my hub & I just visited your bakery for the first time this past Sunday & bought some of your cookies & muffins.They taste way better than store bought Gluten Free products….they tasted homemade!!!!
I was diagnosed at the age of 29 that is 17 years ago….. I’ve been strictly Gluten Free since then ….I experienced all the symptoms you mentioned that you struggled with until I was diagnosed….unfortunately as you indicated the villi in my intestines were badly scarred by going undetected for so many years & so I’ve developed multiple digestive issues such as Colitis, IBS, & multiple food allergies as well. I take Digestive enzymes and Turmeric, Acidophilus, High doses of Vitamin D & Vitamin B12 all under a Doctor’s care.However I still get crazy flare ups in my gut it swells up & I have to take medications for the spasms. & bloating. (Bentyl, Carafate, Zegerid) Every time I feel I have it down pat something flares up again. I was on Xanax for 14 years and it took me years and tremendous pain to wean off it even with the help of a Psychopharmacologist!! He transitioned me to a low level of Klonopin which he believes I will never be able to wean off….I’m grateful for your full disclosure in your book because it makes me feel less crazy/outsider…..it’s 2:43 in the am & I don’t care because I can’t put down your book. & my gut is cooking again despite having eaten so carefully today I’m even careful with food combinations …..sometimes to no avail:( on a positive note I got my Certification as a Health Coach and hope to help others find healing from Digestive disorders, Eating disorders,Food Allergies. & Migraines…All of which I’ve experienced myself …. Hoping that having been there, I can relate to others going through a difficult journey with their bodies . Bless you for your tireless efforts
I saw you on The Chew yesterday and was astonished. Here is someone who can’t eat exactly the same things I have to avoid and she is going public with a restaurant and a book and, Oh my! Thank you! I have dealt with the symptoms and the struggles of living in a world that thinks I am just following a trend. The joy of being symptom-free trumps all of it. You will eventually reach that point too. In the meantime, I am trying to learn some recipes and substitution techniques so I can continue to enjoy good health while eating more than fruit, veggies, and plain meat. I look forward to learning more about this and other aspects of maintaining our well being from you and members of this community and perhaps even contributing a bit. Thank you.
I’m so happy that I found your website. It’s nice to read the comments of others and no you are not alone. I have suffered with some kind of digestive problem my whole life (55ys) now. Just 3yrs ago, surprise it Celiac Disease, alone with a list of other illnesses that I now know are complications due to Celiac Disease. And with a bit more understanding, I now know it runs through my whole family line both mother and father side. Life is still a bit hard also recovering from Breast Cancer alone with Diabetes. But I’m hoping by reading the comments of others I will learn to live a better Gluten Free Life.
Thanks to you all,
I have finally found through this blog, a host of others who have shared my misery and hopes for a pain free life. I have been gluten free for 15 years but the damage of being Celiac for all of my childhood has included other food allergies, IBS, increasing allergy symptoms, stomach pain,worsening depression. And now I am learning that there are many other gluten sources than i could possibly know about. Scary, huh. Carreegnan being one-OMG! Now i understand why my symptoms have worsened in the last several months since i have been using almond milk. so I will be a regular user of the blog to get support and more education to imporve my health.
I’ve been strictly gluten free for almost as long as I was sick… A decade sick followed by a decade learning to live without and with a whole host of new experiences. It’s now a new normal and reading these posts reminds me to rejoice in my current health! I want to share with this community our family’s gluten free project. We own a bed and breakfast way down here in Anniston Alabama. We keep a strictly gluten free kitchen, since we have to keep the cook healthy. And since we also have to keep the cook happy… We serve some fantastic house made gluten free breakfasts! Buttermilk pancakes, crepes with fresh fruit, banana “everything” bread, and omelettes with seasonal goodness. We are five star rated on trip advisor last time I checked and our area is blessed with a handful of great local restaurants that “get it” where servers and kitchen staff don’t grumble when we say, “the table is gluten free.” It has become my normal, and I have started to take it for granted. I want to offer our space as a resource for a safe haven for the community. I enjoy the challenge of cooking around multiple allergens, so I’m happy to serve those of you who have to keep away from gluten and… I feel very blessed to be at this happier stage of the journey and to have benefited from the world becoming more aware of gluten sensitivities. Thank you. It is much easier to be gluten free now than it was even ten years ago. I hope our little project down South can help the community in some small way!
Today I posted a picture on social media, thanking my family for searching out a gluten-free, dairy-free ice cream for me. I received a some what negative comment from a “friend” who called me a “hipster” for trying to be trendy. I sent him an email and explained that I have celiac disease and no, I was not trying to be trendy. This was his response ” It’s a fake disease that your doctor has talked you into. If you become a vegan or a peanut Nazi, I will probably have to unfriend you. No offense, though. I just don’t need that bullshit in the mornings.”
Really? This is an educated, albeit poorly, man who just showed how truly ignorant the public is about this disease.
Keep up the great work and the positive role model for all Celiac sufferers.
I’d tell him not to bother unfriending me as we are no longer friends, acquaintances, nor on speaking terms! Refraining from vast amounts of profanity in the process would be extremely difficult for me.
Nobody needs people like that in their life, and more importantly, nobody should ever have to deal with people like that in their life.
HI Jennifer,
I just read the article in Allergic Living. It was like reading my life story–many doctors, being treated like a hypochondriac, and so many prescriptions. I was sick for at least 10 years with GI and neurological symptoms. I too continue to have long term physical damage (fibromyalgia) from being undiagnosed for so long. I have been GF for 10 years. Thanks for working so hard to get the word out.
Because of your book, which I picked up on a whim at the Library last night, I realize the rash I got Memorial Day weekend is DH. I had been on the 28 day Fast Metabolism a Diet which is non-sprouted wheat, dairy & corn free for 28 days. Then I did about a week of very low gluten before eating out and munching twizzlers on a road trip to KC from St. Louis with my daughter over Memorial Day.
I’ve noticed in the last month I feel better when I limit my gluten, then I had a full on Gluten attack yesterday from a fast food hamburger while I was reading your book. My weight fluctuates 2-3 lbs if I eat any gluten, but this was gastro he$&. I’m going to the GP tomorrow so will ask for a skin test. He wouldn’t blood test my 87 yo Mom when I asked 4 years ago, but I’m sure she probably has it too.
I saw you on the Chew. You commented on no cheese cake. Raw foods make a cashew cream type cheese cake that is so delicious Mathew Kinney has the recipe in his cookbooks.
I was so happy to see you, and to hear your story. I am someone who is not celiac but very sensitive. Not only to gluten but many other foods. I am sure I have leaky gut. I have been struggling all my adult life to find what I could eat. As I get older it gets harder.
Thank you every one for your stories
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I saw you on the Daily Show and several other shows where you promoted your book and shared that you had a bakery in NY that was allergy friendly. I decided when I get to NYC to visit my sons, I was going to find your bakery. My husband and I both have celiac as well as dairy, egg, and soy intolerances and while there are a few bakeries in our area that carry gluten free items, it is rare to find items that are also free of our other issues. We just made a trip to NYC this October and the first priority was to go to your bakery. We were so happy we did. We especially loved your bagels!! I have never had such a delicious, chewy bagel as this especially one made without gluten or eggs. What a delight!! I hope that eventually you will have them available to order online or have a mix so we can make our own because I live in California and I am going to miss your bagels. We loved your savory bread as well as the chocolate chip, and chocolate walnut cookies. We felt like kids in a candy store and would have loved to try everything in sight. I purchased your book and just finished reading it. I am thankful that my husband and my symptoms weren’t as severe as yours, but am grateful that you are sharing your story to educate others to the seriousness of this disease. I also am grateful that you have taken the time to create such wonderful goodies for us to eat. I have done some baking, but none have turned out as wonderful as yours. Perhaps your next book can be a recipe book for all of us who don’t live in NYC.
Oops correction I called your chocolate chunk cookie the chocolate walnut. My bad. The chocolate chunk cookie was fabulous.