Just in case you missed David Letterman last night here it is:

“A side of gluten to make things taste good,” said Letterman!  WHAT?? Well he hasn’t tasted my gluten free dairy free treats!  Something had to be done!  My Troops and I had our challenge and were ready to go.  We whipped up some of my delicious carrot cake cupcakes with maple vanilla cream frosting and my “Toll House” soft chocolate chip cookies and sent them over first thing today!!  NO Side of gluten needed here Dave!!  YUM!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

~ Jennifer

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Tracy

    I just saw the Letterman appearance on YouTube.

    I went through a similar thing with renting a mold house. And, just like yours, my landlord argued there was no mold. The standing water in the crawl space “wasn’t hurting anything” and the black stuff on the walls was “just dirt.” Unfortunately it was a house I’d rented for years and I was very, very sick last year even for a few months after I moved out (I stayed with friends temporarily, too. Strangely enough, I think that illness also set off other illnesses including a gluten intolerance — because I never fully recovered. Thanks to people like you, however, I’m on my way to that full recovery now. And like you, you can bet I will be preaching a GF lifestyle from the rooftops as I continue to recover.

    Your posts (here and Facebook) about sharing small quarters with Ralph and the furbabies make for hilarity, but beyond that, kudos for you for getting out of that other residence. You’ve come so far — you don’t need anything or anyone to set you back.

    Keep up the good work!!!

  2. Eileen

    I’ve never had to bake “gluten free” but you have really piqued my curiosity with your posts. I think I’m going to experiment in my kitchen with gluten free one of these days. I’ll let ya know how it turns out – lol.. We make our own maple syrup so anything made with maple would be right up my alley. That frosting sounds delicious!

  3. Debbie

    OH BOY JEN,Where is the recipe for the Toll House soft chocolate chip cookies and the carrot cake cup cakes…..You can’t tease me like this, I want to get into my kitcen and I need your recipes to get started., Love and Hugs.

    1. Jennifer

      So HAPPY you liked them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am working hard to get them out on a larger scale. Please tell the owner of GFreeNYC to order larger bags of cookies. I happen to agree, they are AWESOME AND good for you. You must taste my bread, it will be there on sat. Also my pancake and all purpose flour is there. All awesome. Let me know what happens. Would love to get you all the cookies you want

      Ever Onward

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