Be sure to check out Dr. OZ on Monday October 17th! I will be making my gluten free blueberry walnut scones and talking about celiac disease.
Grub Street also snagged some gluten free life snippets… click here to enjoy.
Ever Onward,
Jennifer Esposito
My name is Sarah and I have to say that you inspire me after reading your story. You inspire me in more ways than you know. I’ve always been a huge fan of yours and after reading what you wrote about your having celiac, it really touched me. It touched me, especially after reading the ending, “When I pressed on the link, it opened to a gluten free celiac forum. My world changed. There were SO MANY feeling what I was and suggesting what they did to feel better. That’s all we walk. To feel better. To eat better. T have better options and to be heard. I hear you and I am here to help! It is my mission.”
I might not exactly understand what it is that you’re going through – but I hear you. I’m glad that you were able to find said forum and get the help that you were longing for. I’m glad you’re able to find the foods you need in order to balance our your celiac symptoms.
You are forever in my prayers,
@TwugginDDub – via Twitter.
Much thanks for your kind words
We will have better healthier lives!!
Ever Onward
I’ve always enjoyed you as an actress (love Blue Bloods!), so I was particularly intrigued to learn you have Celiac, too. Thanks for taking the time to inform people about the disease and the perils of gluten. Like you, I was diagnosed later in life (39). The disease is so misunderstood and rightly so, as it’s quite complex. Thankfully, we live in NYC, where the awareness seems to be higher. If you’re sharing your MD who specializes in Celiac, I’d love the name of him or her! Thank you and I look forward to reading updates to your blog.
I was so exited to see your story on Dr OZ. I have been waiting for him to tackle this issue.
I always have been a health nut or so I thought.
It’s funny all these years I’ve cooked homemade nutritious meals but always
ended up bloated and running to the bathroom. This past year my hair was falling out, I had very dry skin and I was always tired and run down. No vitamins or energy drinks could help.
I’ve only recently found myself misplaced in the world of gluten. My mom and sister always called it a nervous stomach. I wish I’d known or been diagnosed years ago.
At times I like a freak having to explain to fellow workers why I can’t eat something. I even had one person sabotage my diet. She thought it was funny.
I no longer partake in any food at work not prepared by myself. My husband has been very good about this and he’s still learning along with me. I love to cook and bake. I made my first gluten free pizza yesterday and it was delicious. I am also concerned about dairy. I switched to almond and coconut milk a while back however I still eat cheese. I’m sure this too will have to go.
Is there a good cheese alternative?
I wish Dr OZ had given you more time to really explain all that celiac disease entails. There are so many hidden dangers in so many products. I read all the labels on everything…you have to.
I’m seeing that more & more restaurants are catering to celiac disease as well. It helps those of us us going though this feel normal when ordering food and not always having to explain ourselves.
I feel EVERYONE (just as you said on Dr OZ ) should follow this diet for life.
Our bodies are not geared to eat gluten. Have you read about the Paleolithic diet? It’s very interesting.
Well I’ve rambled on & on so I guess I’ll end on this note:
Thank-you for sharing your story
God Bless
Thank you for sharing!! That is exactly what this site is for. Us to share our stories, hardships, recipes, info and more. i have tons of up coming blogs that I think you will enjoy.
About that gluten free, dairy free, soy free cheese option, I found 1 that i don’t mind. Its called Daiya cheese. Its made from a pea protein. Not bad.
Try it and tell me what you think!
Ever Onward
I want to thank you so much for sharing your story. 2 months ago I found out that i had celiac disease. Reading your story and journey makes me feel so much better about my own journey. Growing up i was always told that I was making a big deal out of nothing and that the pain was all in my head. Some people even said that I was a hypochondriac. Now that I found out that the pain was real and wasn’t in my head my life has improved tremendously. I’m so happy that you are spreading the word about celiac disease. People need to learn more about it. I hate having to explain to my friends why I can’t eat dinner with them at certain restaurants. Thank you for also sharing recipes, I was running out of creative was to cook gluten free! Please keep up the great work! I hope you continue to have a healthy and successful journey! on a by the way i love you on BlueBloods, just thought i’d throw that in there!
Thanks Again,
Wow – my cousin called me this afternoon and told me I might want to watch Dr. Ozs’ show tomorrow about ADHD – my husband has a severe case of it – it’s WAY hard to be married to someone with it! Anyway I’ve never even been to Dr. Ozs’ website I’ve never even seen his show! Much to my surprise there was your video of your gluten free recipe! (can’t wait to try it!) Well – I have 2 Disabled kids – one is 22 (been with us since he was 6) and my daughter is 17 (been with us since she was 1 and is severly disabled). Both of them are Autistic – and we just had an upper and lower GI on my daughter at Phoenix Childrens’ Hospital last Thursday! What we know right now is that she has a Hernia – and probably H-Peylori (stomach infection can be pre ulcerous and pre cancerous). And they did the biopsy for Celiac – and some other suspect things. It’s been 17 years of hell for this girl. Waiting for the call with the biopsy results – very anxious. Lots of things it could be and lots I don’t even know about … *sigh* … Gluten seems to be a big culprit for problems in the Autism / Seizure arena. We have eaten fairly gluten free for years (more low carb – I have sugar issues too) … but have been trying to be more gluten / casein free recently and have found (like yours) some awesome recipes! We got oodles of zuchinis from our garden this year and have made the BEST gluten free zuchini bread! Can’t wait to try your treats! And we are eating more raw whole foods. Anyway … it’s such a ‘God’ thing that there you were and here I am now! Boy if you just allow it the answers will come. I know a lot of my health issues are about gluten – but have not been willing to make the BIG JUMP. I think that is where you come in! THANKS SO MUCH for all of your hard work and to be willing to put yourself out there. It’s the ‘yous’ that will help the ‘usses’ get there! I am delighted you have found your answers. Question – how long ago were you DX? I can’t believe you were going to a GI for 5 years and had all those tests and they did not check for Celiac. Hopefully that was a long time ago – I certainly think it’s a lot more common now. I see in the stores on many products ‘gluten free’. It’s happening!
Love, Amy, Brian, Hunter and Miah in Northern Arizona
Thank you for your story. It sounds like you have had a long journey. I beg of you to change you and your families diet. Research has shown that taking gluten out of a diet for a person with autism shows dramatic improvement. It is not enough to do it “sometimes”. Please don’t take my tone as harsh. I just want you to know there is a better way and you can do it. Do whatever it takes to get the gluten out of your lives. Its not easy I know but it truly believe it will make a difference.
As for me, I was only diagnosed 2 and 1/2 years ago. Shocking I know. People just aren’t paying proper attention to this disease and that is the reason for this site. Trying to give people as much info as I have so people will be armed when they speak to their doctors and read those food labels.
You and your children deserve to be healthy. I wish you the very best.
Ever Onward
Pingback: Dr. Oz Talks About Celiac Disease with Actress Jennifer Esposito