Just a quick recap and correction. The last post I spoke about Leaky Gut and what I was doing to help heal it. I’m taking Metagenics UltraClear Sustain, Glutagenics by Metagenics, and Acidophilus, and Quercetin. Also, I’m avoiding all allergens and anything else I am allergic to at the moment. The Lymphatic Drainage Sessions are to flush my body of toxins and then going for vitamin IVS at my doctor’s office. If you believe you might have Leaky Gut, please go see a doctor who will listen and help you.
Now on to the Fun Stuff!
Oh Yeah! Vegan, Dairy, Gluten, Soy, and Refined Sugar-Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies! Take that falling eyelashes!
These cookies are delicious, even more delicious for me, for many reasons, let me explain.
When I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I was depressed beyond belief. I know many of you understand having an Autoimmune Disease sucks, yes but was the thought of giving up so much of what I loved – cakes, cookies, bread, and pasta. After realizing my fate and healing from the devastating damage this disease had already done to my body I got in the kitchen again. If course this time all was new and confusing. I managed to start to create recipes. Yummy recipes of things I loved. About 75 of them to be exact, at the time I was using dairy and regular sugar. Months after that I was happily baking away but still feeling great, I was told dairy was no longer my friend either. I discovered on my own research that white sugar was an enemy as well, which also meant corn was their evil cousin. At that time if that wasn’t enough after doing some research on Soy, I opted to keep that out as well. Now what do I bake with though? Air? Knowing me now from my posts, I got back in the kitchen Again. I REDID all recipes – All 75 of them and then some. So recently when my eyelashes and hair decided to start falling out, as explained in the last post, I thought, oh no, not another allergy. Yes, even more allergies thanks to a leaky gut. Almonds now were a big problem as well as chocolate – CHOCOLATE! Really – I’m really being tested here I thought. What was I to do? Give up, cry, scream? Not going to say I didn’t do all of that, because I did have a day that I was so pissed, maybe even two days. After I realized that it wasn’t going to the be end of the world. I got back in that kitchen and I made myself a cookie. A Gluten- Free, Dairy-Free, Corn-free, Refined Sugar -Free, Nut-Free, and Soy- Free Oatmeal Cookie. YUM to the E!!!!! Take that allergies, what a victory I thought. Again, a dance of joy came upon me as the first batch came out of the oven – Healthy, Beautiful, Delicious cookies that not only gave me some sort, however little it is, control back from this ever changing autoimmune disease. I share them with you. Make them, enjoy them, and do a little dance for you. Today you won!
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (eyelash cookies)
PreHeat Oven to 375
3 cups oats
1 cup brown rice flour
1/4 cup sourghum flour
1/4 cup arrowroot starch
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup maple sugar, date sugar, coconut sugar
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup grapeseed oil
1/3 cup no sugar added apple sauce
3/4 cup raisins
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
Combine all dry ingredients and whisk through lightly
In a separate bowl combine all wet ingredients
With a wooden spoon slowly combine wet ingredients to dry a little at a time
Then add raisins and combine
Take a tablespoon size of dough and put on baking sheet
Bake for 15 to 25 min depending on how crispy you like your cookies
Eat UP!!
Much Love!
Ever Onward,
Jennifer Esposito