Yes, they are here! Gluten Free Flour & Pancake Mix!

Finally, finally, finally!  The Jennifer’s Way Old Fashioned Pancake Mix and the All Purpose Flour is here and ready to go. I apologize for the delay, but you can’t even imagine how hard it was to figure this all out to get to you. The mixes are simple though. I made the all purpose flour mix cup for cup. That means you don’t have to do anything with that xanthan gum that I know you’re all afraid of. You don’t have to try and find it either. You also don’t have to go and search for all these different flours.  Just get my all purpose flour, open up the bag and start baking.   And what’s wonderful – you can get grandma’s old recipe for whatever cookie or muffin you thought you had lost forever and substitute my mix cup for cup in place of any wheat flour in grandma’s old recipe. There’s also a recipe for a muffin on the back of the package that I know you will love. So, get one today and start to enjoy your food again. Know that this is not any other gluten free mix. This gluten free mix was made by a celiac with the intent to give you nutrients, fiber, and protein all rolled up in a yummy package. It’s not loaded with sugar and starches, and it’s actually healthy for you. So enjoy, bake, eat up and have fun!

The old fashioned pancake mix is yummy, yummy, YUMMY! I have gotten so many great responses from people that have tried the pancake mix. You can make them on their own, you can make them vegan, you can make them into waffles, you can make them thin like crepes, you can put bananas in them, strawberries in them, chocolate chips in them, pumpkin in them – anything your heart desires! They are fantastic, simple and easy – so you can have those memories of yesterday and eat with peace today, knowing that they are not only gluten free but they are nutritious good for you. That is what Jennifer’s Way products strive to be and will always be. You’re not only getting a gluten free product, but you’re getting a product that is also filled with nutrients, vitamins and protein.

I’d love to hear your thoughts after sampling the product, and please note that there are only a limited amount to be shipped at this time.  Click here to purchase!  Much Love.

Be Well,

Jennifer Esposito

Yay It’s Fall!! Gluten Free,Vegan Hearty Soup

Anyone who has followed this blog knows how I feel about those beautiful fall veggies.  Those gorgeous orange pumpkins, yellow and green squashes and delightful parsnips.  YUM!  One of my favorite thing to do is stroll through the weekly farmer’s market at this time of year and see what goodies they brought.  What a feast for my eyes… You know that saying, “your eyes are bigger than your stomach?”  well that’s always been the case with me when it comes to food.  So, yes I went completely overboard bringing home 3 bags of squash, greens, potatoes, onion, garlic, peppers, carrots, celery and yes, a pumpkin, that now lives on my kitchen table to welcome in fall.  Being someone who hates to waste, it finally dawned on me that I had bought enough for a week and a family of 4. What was I to do? How about a gorgeous hearty soup!!!!!!!! And make soup I did,  which came absolutely amazing!!  This a one pot deal with not many rules so have fun.  Here is what I did -

I cut up about 1 whole ONION and 1 clove of GARLIC and placed in a big sauce pot

Then I did a rough chop of probably  2 of each CARROTS, CELERY, POTATOES, PEPPERS added them to pot and covered with about 6 cups of water (you want to have the water cover your veggies by at least 2 inches)

Added about 2 tbls of Himalayan sea salt, 1 tbls of PEPPER, and turned the heat on to a low medium

I let that sit and start to do its magic

In about an hour or when you can get a fork through the POTATOES and CARROTS, I then added the GREENS with about a tbls of OLIVE OIL.  Cooked for about 10 more minutes

In another pot boil some water to make some gluten free PASTA or RICE (optional)

Add PASTA/RICE to bowl then add SOUP on top.  Add more SALT and PEPPER to taste,  and enjoy!

Remember this is an easy, no fuss recipe.  Add whatever Veggies you like!!  Enjoy!!

Oh and about that squash I bought, I roasted it up in the oven with olive oil, salt and some cinnamon.  YUMMMM


Be Well,

Jennifer Esposito


Gluten-Free, Vegan Friendly, Soy Free, and Yum-E Buckwheat Teff Pancakes

Who doesn’t love pancakes.  I remember when I was a kid, l mean really young like seven or eight and I was still too little to reach the higher cabinets where my mom kept the pancake mix, so I would climb like a monkey up the cabinets to get the pancake mix knocking over things off the counter, of course.   As my family slept I would make a stack of pancakes higher than me, probably enough for an army.  I used to make these fluffy, fluffy pancakes and add chocolate chip, bananas, blueberries and tons and tons of butter – the smell was just beautiful.  So then when my “friend”, Celiac, came along and took away so many things I loved, those days of eating pancakes with my family were one of the memories I thought would long  gone.

I was determined to created a pancake and yes I do have a mix coming out next week that will save you all the trouble of buying all the different ingredients. Until then though Ive created an alternative, especially for those, like me, who cant have eggs.  Here’s a pancake for all of you vegans and people with nut allergies who can finally indulge too. A buckwheat, which is not wheat its a seed, many get confused, it is not a grain.  Its full of protein and wonderful for you.  I ‘ve also added some Teff flour, which is a grain found in Ethiopia, it  has loads of nutrition and also a nutty flavor like buckwheat, it makes these pancakes just hearty, yummy and full of fiber. So make a batch of these gorgeous yummy nutritious vegan pancakes, add what you’d like and serve to all who love pancakes.  I promise no one will know that there are not the kind that make you go back to sleep after you eat them.  They will give you energy, nutrition and smile to boot.

Buckwheat Teff Pancakes

1/2 cup Potato Starch

1/2 cup Buckwheat Flour

1/2 cup Teff Flour

1/4 cup Brown Rice Flour

2 tbsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/3 cup unsweetened apple sauce

2 tbsp Grapeseed oil

1 cup Rice Milk

1 1/2 tsp maple syrup

1/2 cup water



1. Whisk together all dry ingredients

2. Whisk together all wet ingredients.  May need more or less liquid to get consistency that you like.

3. Add wet ingredients to dry a little at a time and mix until combined.

4. Make sure your pan is medium heat and is well oiled or buttered (earth balance).  Pour batter a little at a time into pan.  When bubbles start to form in center your pancakes are ready to flip

ENJOY!  My troop Mr Beens did :)

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

Hemp Milk


I recently wrote a blog on carrageenan, a food additive that is used as a thickening agent in foods. It’s a substance in many foods that includes yogurt, beer and non-dairy milks; everything from soy to hemp to almond to rice milk.

Why we would want to ingest this stuff is beyond me. I do hate giving you information like this with no alternative. The alternative at the time that I posted was “make your own”, which is a great option but if you’re busy, making almond or hemp milk or cashew milk is not a luxury that many of us have. So since then, I’ve been searching the shelves, up and down, scouring the Internet for non-dairy milks that didn’t have carrageenan.

 One is O Milk, which is sold in Dean & Deluca and also online. O Milk makes a beautiful almond milk and a cashew I believe others. Their milks are made with absolutely nothing in them except what needs to be in them: water, something kind of sweetener, almonds, or hemp, etc.

 If you can’t get your hands on that, then another good product is, Pacific All Natural Hemp Milk, I jumped up and down and made a bit of spectacle of myself to actually find a hemp milk that didn’t have this nasty carrageenan in it. Like I said, I’ve been looking for months! If you recall one of my recent blogs about food rotating, I mentioned that I was having way too much rice milk, until I found that beautiful hemp milk on the shelves.

I really do get that excited when I find something that I can eat. I’m sure a lot of you Celiacs understand, so I bought about four boxes full and went home and enjoyed! Hope you do, too!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

Oh Yeah! Vegan, Dairy, Gluten, Soy, and Refined Sugar-Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!

Just a quick recap and correction. The last post I spoke about Leaky Gut and what I was doing to help heal it. I’m taking Metagenics UltraClear Sustain, Glutagenics by Metagenics, and Acidophilus, and Quercetin. Also, I’m avoiding all allergens and anything else I am allergic to at the moment. The Lymphatic Drainage Sessions are to flush my body of toxins and then going for vitamin IVS at my doctor’s office. If you believe you might have Leaky Gut, please go see a doctor who will listen and help you.

Now on to the Fun Stuff!

Oh Yeah! Vegan, Dairy, Gluten, Soy, and Refined Sugar-Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies! Take that falling eyelashes!

These cookies are delicious, even more delicious for me, for many reasons, let me explain.

When I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I was depressed beyond belief. I know many of you understand having an Autoimmune Disease sucks, yes but was the thought of giving up so much of what I loved – cakes, cookies, bread, and pasta. After realizing my fate and healing from the devastating damage this disease had already done to my body I got in the kitchen again. If course this time all was new and confusing. I managed to start to create recipes. Yummy recipes of things I loved. About 75 of them to be exact, at the time I was using dairy and regular sugar. Months after that I was happily baking away but still feeling great, I was told dairy was no longer my friend either. I discovered on my own research that white sugar was an enemy as well, which also meant corn was their evil cousin. At that time if that wasn’t enough after doing some research on Soy, I opted to keep that out as well. Now what do I bake with though? Air? Knowing me now from my posts, I got back in the kitchen Again. I REDID all recipes – All 75 of them and then some. So recently when my eyelashes and hair decided to start falling out, as explained in the last post, I thought, oh no, not another allergy. Yes, even more allergies thanks to a leaky gut. Almonds now were a big problem as well as chocolate – CHOCOLATE! Really – I’m really being tested here I thought. What was I to do? Give up, cry, scream? Not going to say I didn’t do all of that, because I did have a day that I was so pissed, maybe even two days. After I realized that it wasn’t going to the be end of the world. I got back in that kitchen and I made myself a cookie. A Gluten- Free, Dairy-Free, Corn-free, Refined Sugar -Free, Nut-Free, and Soy- Free Oatmeal Cookie. YUM to the E!!!!! Take that allergies, what a victory I thought. Again, a dance of joy came upon me as the first batch came out of the oven – Healthy, Beautiful, Delicious cookies that not only gave me some sort, however little it is, control back from this ever changing autoimmune disease. I share them with you. Make them, enjoy them, and do a little dance for you. Today you won!

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (eyelash cookies)

PreHeat Oven to 375
3 cups oats
1 cup brown rice flour
1/4 cup sourghum flour
1/4 cup arrowroot starch
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup maple sugar, date sugar, coconut sugar
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup grapeseed oil
1/3 cup no sugar added apple sauce
3/4 cup raisins
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
Combine all dry ingredients and whisk through lightly
In a separate bowl combine all wet ingredients
With a wooden spoon slowly combine wet ingredients to dry a little at a time
Then add raisins and combine
Take a tablespoon size of dough and put on baking sheet
Bake for 15 to 25 min  depending on how crispy you like your cookies
Eat UP!!
Much Love!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

Take Back Control and Get in the Kitchen: Apple Ginger Breakfast Bar

When the going gets rough or scary or stressful I wind up in the kitchen. Which for me is a wonderful place because I get to zone out, be creative and it becomes a place for me to relieve my stress. I know it might sound odd but cooking and baking really helps me feel like I have some control over my health. When I get in the kitchen I don’t feel restricted, I’ll make something that is good for me yet I feel like I’m still a “normal person” who is eating “regular” food. If you have celiac disease or other health conditions that restrict your diet, I suggest you get in the kitchen and make something delicious that you CAN have (even if you don’t normally like to bake or cook). It really gives you a sense of control and pride and happiness. It does for me anyway!

On my latest journey (this eye lash journey) and in my attempts at cutting out most allergens from my diet I wanted to see what else I can create using the fruits and groceries I had on hand. I came up with an apple ginger breakfast bar that I absolutely love! The recipe is really so simple and so quick and so yummy and so very good for you!! Most importantly get in the kitchen and make something for yourself that is healthy and makes you feel happy inside while getting control over a part of your life that you didn’t choose to lose. Eat away and feel happy!!

Apple Ginger Breakfast Bar

preheat oven 350, 8×8 flat baking dish

2 cups almond flour
1/4 cup arrowroot flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp molasses
1/2 cup sprouted gluten free granola cereal (I used Lydia’s Organics Sprouted Cinnamon Cereal)
1 tsp minced fresh ginger
2 apples peeled and diced
1 ripe banana
less than 1/4 cup olive oil or grape seed oil

1. Add all dry ingredients.
2. In separate bowl mash bananas, add oil and molasses, and stir.
3. Combine wet and dry ingredients.
4. Once combined mix in the apples and ginger.
5. Spoon out mixed batter into the flat baking dish and spread evenly.
6. Cook for 25-30 minutes depending on oven (and less time if use bigger dish).

And! The next round of “What Do You Miss” will end on June 15 so please send me your stories and most missed food item!!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

Frankie Beans Goes Bananas

Frankie Beans always seems to have bananas on his brain! Every time I go in to the kitchen or even close to the kitchen where the bananas are he stares at me with a look that says “give me that banana!” This boy has loved bananas ever since he was a pup. Bananas and apples and carrots – the BEST treats for your doggies! They’re good for us to eat and just as good for them. As I’m standing there looking at these two very ripe bananas and one funny pup, I think banana cookies! Frankie happily agreed.

On another note, which leads to why I chose these specific ingredients, I have been feeling not my best and most recently been dealing with my eye lashes falling out. Which is always wonderful… I went to a few doctors and dermatologists and as usual got no specific answer which is the usual answer at this point. So I started my own investigation and will follow up in another post with what I found in detail. But the reason for these banana cookies is because I wanted to try to bake a treat taking out as many allergens as I can, even eggs. Maybe there was something else that I was allergic to?!? I knew it wasn’t nuts so I kept the almond flour and everything else was going to be as pure as possible.  Me and My Troop went in that kitchen and started working.

With Frankie steady by my side, I set off for a cookie that was gluten free, dairy free, soy free, xanthan gum free, corn free, egg free, refined sugar free, and low in sugar as well. Pure manic how these cookies didn’t come out taste free! Because these cookies came out so good!!! After a few attempts with the batter I got a moist savory cookie that kept fresh in my cookie jar for 6 days and would have kept longer but they were gone! And they would keep even longer if you kept them refrigerated. These delicious cookies are good for you and anyone you love, even a bite for your furry friend. :)

Banana Cookies

preheat oven 400*

1 cup almond flour

1 cup quinoa flour

1/4 cup arrowroot flour

3/4 cup certified gluten free oatmeal

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup maple sugar

1/2 tsp baking powder

3/4 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/4 cup grape seed oil or canola oil

1/2 cup almond milk

2 very ripe bananas

1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Baking sheet lined with parchment paper.


1. In large mixing bowl combine all dry ingredients and whisk out lumps.

2. In separate bowl mash bananas with fork then add oil and milk, combine until creamy.

3. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix until combined, then fold in nuts.

4. Scoop out mixture with spoon and place on parchment paper and bake for 13-16 minutes depending on how soft you like your cookies. Enjoy!!!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

Vegan, Gluten Soy & Dairy Free Sweet Potato Scone For Your Heart Health and Smile :)

As most of you know having celiac disease is an ever and on going journey. Every meal needs to be looked at, even vitamins and minerals need to be monitored from time to time to make sure your getting all your nutrients. This lifestyle can definitely be a struggle at times. And for me the last couple weeks have been a struggle to say the least. In efforts to find relief I started doing more research to find ways I can get even more vitamins and minerals in to my system to supplement what I have been low in which is vitamin B and my vitamin D is always in constant conflict. One thing I kept coming to in my search to feel better was the sweet potato. A beautiful orange sweet potato. I used to love these as a kid! I would load them with butter and eat hot or for Thanksgiving I’d make them as candied yams and bake them with marshmallows on top… ohh so good!! But these days I eat my sweet potato brushed with olive oil, sprinkled with a little bit of cinnamon, turmeric, and salt and it makes me just as happy! Or I make sweet potato fries which always makes a great snack or side. Not only are there many ways to prepare sweet potatoes, they are inexpensive AND are so good for you!

As I was feeling down and not so great I thought let me go back to the friendly sweet potato that keeps coming up in this search for answers. And before I get to the new recipe I created let me tell you some of the MANY health benefits besides being absolutely delicious! The sweet potato is very high in vitamin B6 which is so necessary for the bodies immune and nervous system, decreases inflammation and is great in preventing degenerative diseases including heart disease. It is a great source of vitamin B which wards off cold and flu and plays an important role in digestion and blood cell formation. It also accelerates wound healing and protein production. And if you don’t know – collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in body, which helps maintain the skins youthful appearance which we all love! The sweet potato is a great food to fight against cancer and contains high levels of vitamin D which is so important for us Celiacs and anyone! Actually, there are studies stating most people are suffering from vitamin D deficiency, and low vitamin D can then lead to depression. Sweet potato is wonderful for proper immune function which Celiacs definitely need, a great source of magnesium which aids in relaxation and an anti stress mineral – a reason I should be eating a sweet potato everyday of my life! And finally a great source of potassium, that maintains healthy levels of blood sugars in the body unlike sugars consumed from a sugary cereal or treat because white or refined sugars are released in to the blood stream quickly. The sugar from a sweet potato (that is loaded with fiber as well!) is a different kind of sugar and helps stabilize the blood sugar in body instead of making it spike which causes fatigue and weight gain.

The rich orange colors in a sweet potato means that it is high in beta carotene which is a great boost for immunity to disease and has powerful anti-oxidants! And like I said before, there are a variety of ways you can prepare them – you can roast them, bake them, steam them, grill, and/ or puree them. In this recipe, however, I decided to use pureed sweet potatoes to make a SCONE! And they turned out so good!! My Troop Franky Beans was circling me like a shark because of the warm sweet smell in the house! I paired the sweet potato with some wonderful cinnamon, cloves, and maple syrup which makes it all the better. I also decided to use quinoa flour which is a wonderful fiber and wonderful grain. If you have not experimented with any quinoa yet I highly recommend you do (also numerous way to cook/bake and eat)! And almond flour because it is full of protein and fiber. Those two flours are the majority flour in this recipe followed by brown rice flour. These scones are vegan, dairy free, gluten free, and soy free. But NOT taste free as always with my stuff!! This recipe is super easy to make, so eat up and know when you are eating these scones you are doing something beneficial for your body and mind.

Sweet Potato Scones

preheat oven to 400*, bake 15-17 minutes

1 1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 cup quinoa flour
1/2 cup arrowroot starch
1/2 cup brown rice flour
1/3 cup grape seed oil
1/3 cup maple sugar (or can use coconut sugar, date sugar, or lastly brown sugar just has less nutritional value)
3/4 cup rice milk (or milk of choice)
1 tbls fresh lemon juice
3/4 tsp xanthan gum
2 tbls baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp fresh dried vanilla, or 1 tsp liquid vanilla
1/2 of 15 oz can of sweet potato puree
1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)
1/3 cup maple syrup (for brushing on top of scones)
One baking sheet lined with parchment paper

1. Whisk together sweet potato, rice milk and lemon juice (if using liquid vanilla add here).
2. In a separate bowl combine all flours, xanthan gum, maple sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, vanilla and cloves (and pecans if choose), whisk out lumps.
3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and combine with a wooden spoon.
4. Take a tablespoon of batter and drop on cookie sheet covered in parchment paper.
5. Place in oven for about 15 to 17 minutes (want firm texture and/or slightly browned bottoms).
6. After about 11 minutes or when tops of scones get a bit firm brush maple syrup over top and then continue to bake. ENJOY!!


Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

A Quick Go To Gluten Free Meal

When I’m working on the set of Blue Bloods, rarely can I eat what Kraft services or catering has to offer because of all my extreme allergies. And while the show is only an hour on TV the amount of hours and days and nights that go in to creating the show is a whole other beast… The days are long and nights can be longer. Although Krafty always tries to have something for me, I’d rather be safe by preparing my own food. So I really have to prep for these work days and bring plenty of food to set to keep me going and my energy high. We all probably find ourselves in situations where we need something quick and easy but still want it to taste good while filling us with nutrients to get us through!

So! Whether it be for a quick dinner or a light snack I love making this pasta dish!! It’s low in fat and cholesterol, loaded with fiber and iron from the cannelloni beans, and rich in antioxidants and calcium (along with tons of vitamins such as C, E, folate, omega-3 fatty acids…!) from the spinach. This dish is so low maintenance – it literally takes one pot to prepare, has very few ingredients, and is simple to make! It’s so good and easy that I always keep the ingredients stocked in my pantry. I will make it for dinner one night and keep the left overs for work the next day or two. And while it tastes just as good at room temperature, it reheats very nicely. I personally like to add a bit of water when reheating to reignite the starches and then becomes really thick, almost like there is cream in it! Add a bit more olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and there you go!

A great quick healthy 4 ingredient snack or meal!


Pasta with Beans and Spinach


1 bag of gluten free pasta (my favorite is Tinkyada!)
2 handfuls of fresh baby spinach
Small handful of fresh parsley chopped
1 can cannelloni beans
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
2. When water is bubbling pour in one bag of pasta and turn down heat to medium for slow boil.
3. In the meantime drain beans and rinse.
4. Rinse spinach, pat dry with paper towel and set aside.
5. Check pasta often. Should be firm yet easy to chew (check package for directions).
6. When done drain pasta and rinse lightly with lukewarm water. Leave pasta in strainer.
7. Using the same pot the pasta was cooked in add about a half cup of olive oil and the beans and cook on high heat.
8. Add salt and pepper to taste and continue stirring.
9. Throw in parsley and stir together. Do this for about 3 minutes on high heat.
10. Turn down heat to medium and add pasta. Stir to combine.
11. Finally add spinach, stir again to incorporate all the flavors!! Cook another 2 minutes. Remove from stove, add more salt and pepper if like, or even some red pepper flakes for some heat!!! And ENJOY!!!


Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

A Steak Fit for a Queen, Betty Boop.

Betty Boop in her favorite spot on the couch

As some of you have probably noticed I have not posted in a few weeks. Some of you may have come to the sad conclusion that something was wrong. Yes it is so, my beloved Troop, Betty Boop has passed away. It happened a few weeks ago and I just needed some time to breathe. She went quickly and in my arms as I said goodbye to my sweet wonderful friend. I thank you all for your kind words and prayers. She was an awesome dog and a better friend.

I have written previously that in her last months she ate like a Queen. Her favorite meal being a juicy well seasoned Filet Mignon. Her eyes would light up as the smell would take over the apartment. Towards the end though she really wasn’t very interested in food. Except when would I sit next to her on the floor to share her steak she’d have a few bites as if to say “thank you”. Then I thought what better recipe could I share! It’s simple, savory, and should absolutely be shared with someone YOU love.

My other Troop, Mr Beans is finally getting over the loss as well. He is ready to get back to our mission of bringing you delicious nutritious recipes and all the best information for your health.

We thank you, send you love and of course MUCH MUCH HEALTH.

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito


My cooking assistant Betty Boop front and center!

Betty Boop Steak

preheat oven to 350*



Filet Mignon

Olive oil

Salt and pepper



1. You want the piece(s) of meat at room temperature.

2. Season with salt and pepper on both sides, take olive oil and brush over steak.

3. Make frying pan nice and hot with olive oil and even a dab of butter or Earth Balance. The heat of pan should be high enough so that if you splash some water on pan it sizzles. You can use a grill pan or a fry pan and put the steak down when hot enough.

4. The thickness of each steak will determine when and how often you turn it – you don’t want to turn it too much. You want to let it get a nice crispy outside, sear it. 2-3 minutes on each side (depending on thickness).

5. Then pop steak in oven for about 5 minutes and after you take it out let it sit for few minutes to let juices marinade. You can cut up some ripe plum tomatoes to put on top of the steak with some added olive oil and salt and pepper. Another great option is to slice the steak (on chopping block) against the grain of meat and put over some fresh spinach, drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper. YUM!!!!


Betty Boop in her Glory Days


One of her many Halloween costumes!

Boop taking advantage of one of the many beautiful New York summer days!

My Lady Betty Boop

City Boop meets meets the country!

My Troops on summer vacation in Hamptons.

Betty Boop trying to be serious!

Betty pushing through the Holidays!

Betty Boop loving the beach life.

Quality time with my beloved Betty Boop.