Product Info & Answers to your much appreciated questions

Yes my products are here and they are awesome!!!!!  And yes the shipping price stinks!  If I could ship it for free I would, unfortunately that’s not the case.  We have done our very best to get the lowest prices possible and we are hoping still, to get even lower prices in the near future.  If you can swing the price of shipping I advise you to order more than one bag so its more cost efficient for you.  You also will have enough mix for when you run out of from baking up all your favorite treats.

A few things I also want to make clear about the products and ordering:

We can not ship outside the US at this time.  I’m hopeful it will be soon though.

GMO free?  With all the lying about which products have GMOs and which don’t, I do not feel comfortable saying that these products are 100% GMO free.  I absolutely set out for that to be the case, as I feel GMOs are a main reason for much of these “new” diseases.  However as always I will NOT ever say or stand behind anything that isn’t 100% under my control.  Going forward I am going to do everything possible to ensure that no GMOs are ever used in anything I make.

Lastly the server is secure so all personal info is safe when processing your orders.

Any other info needed don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Every piece of this blog, products and the celiac campaign are funded completely by ME. Straight from my pocket. Every penny of the profits from these products is going back into the the cause for education, awareness and bringing us better choices in food.  As I’ve said in the past I’m opening a SAFE Haven in the form of a bakery/info-spot for celiacs in NYC as well. That dream is almost fulfilled, again funded all by me (and my lovely boyfriend).  Know that the money from these products are not buying me a new pair of Manolos or a vacation on the beach, but awareness, education, better quality products and hopefully some change to the way celiac disease is viewed. I thank you you in advance for healing me in this journey. It might be a long one but every step makes a difference. The number of emails and twitter messages I get from people who have gotten help in many ways through this blog have been heart warming and invigorating.


Much Love & Be Well,

Jennifer Esposito


Yes, they are here! Gluten Free Flour & Pancake Mix!

Finally, finally, finally!  The Jennifer’s Way Old Fashioned Pancake Mix and the All Purpose Flour is here and ready to go. I apologize for the delay, but you can’t even imagine how hard it was to figure this all out to get to you. The mixes are simple though. I made the all purpose flour mix cup for cup. That means you don’t have to do anything with that xanthan gum that I know you’re all afraid of. You don’t have to try and find it either. You also don’t have to go and search for all these different flours.  Just get my all purpose flour, open up the bag and start baking.   And what’s wonderful – you can get grandma’s old recipe for whatever cookie or muffin you thought you had lost forever and substitute my mix cup for cup in place of any wheat flour in grandma’s old recipe. There’s also a recipe for a muffin on the back of the package that I know you will love. So, get one today and start to enjoy your food again. Know that this is not any other gluten free mix. This gluten free mix was made by a celiac with the intent to give you nutrients, fiber, and protein all rolled up in a yummy package. It’s not loaded with sugar and starches, and it’s actually healthy for you. So enjoy, bake, eat up and have fun!

The old fashioned pancake mix is yummy, yummy, YUMMY! I have gotten so many great responses from people that have tried the pancake mix. You can make them on their own, you can make them vegan, you can make them into waffles, you can make them thin like crepes, you can put bananas in them, strawberries in them, chocolate chips in them, pumpkin in them – anything your heart desires! They are fantastic, simple and easy – so you can have those memories of yesterday and eat with peace today, knowing that they are not only gluten free but they are nutritious good for you. That is what Jennifer’s Way products strive to be and will always be. You’re not only getting a gluten free product, but you’re getting a product that is also filled with nutrients, vitamins and protein.

I’d love to hear your thoughts after sampling the product, and please note that there are only a limited amount to be shipped at this time.  Click here to purchase!  Much Love.

Be Well,

Jennifer Esposito

Good Day Cafe NY

If you missed Good Day NY this morning, here’s the video!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

Celiac Awareness Day, CALLING ALL CELIACS!

Are you aware that it’s Celiac Awareness Day today? If so, awesome! If not, then that’s what this new campaign I’m doing is about. Celiac Disease affects 1 out of every 133 people and that number is growing fast. We Celiacs need to get the word out, the CORRECT word out, about what this disease is REALLY about, and I need your help. I know how so many of you, like myself, have felt so unheard with this disease. Doctors, friends, even family suggesting that maybe your physical symptoms were somehow in your head or mind. Well, now is your time to speak your MIND, raise awareness, and help others suffering like you.

Here’s what I need you to do.  I’d like to create a Campaign for Celiac Awareness in a short film version by combining your video stories with mine.  Many of you know my story, but here’s a short video summary below to give you an example of what we’re looking to do. We will also feature your full videos in weekly upcoming posts.

(If you’re reading this in email, click here to watch the video.)

So, what is your story?

Grab your video camera or your iphone and put yourself on tape!

If you’d like to participate, I’ve listed some helpful and *required guidelines below. Please note that we will need release forms signed to allow us the use of your video, your story and your voice. The purpose of this video is to raise awareness and inspire our health community to learn more about this disease. All (if any) profits from the film will go to the Jennifer’s Way Foundation for Celiac Education to further promote our cause.


*Required Guidelines:


All entries MUST be Celiac.

Your video must begin with: “My name is ____________ and I’m a Celiac.  It took ___ years (months/weeks) to be diagnosed.” And then proceed to tell us about your diagnosis process and your journey. How long did it take you to get a proper diagnosis? Were you given helpful instruction on how to survive and become healthy after being diagnosed?  Please list examples of misdiagnosis and/or other physical/social/mental problems that came from being undiagnosed for so long.  For example: infertility, cancer, nerve damage, hair loss, osteoporosis, loss of friends or social events, depression…

Please keep your video under 3 minutes.

Please also sign and send this release form along with your video submission, allowing us to use your footage. Also understand that there is no guarantee of usage. [Click here to download the required release form] 

I understand that most of us are not video production professionals, however please try to make sure you have good, even lighting and are in a neutral environment. Avoid logos on your clothing and in your surrounding environment. Highly visible logos may prevent us from being able to use your footage. Please also send high resolution footage if you can (the larger the file size, the better the resolution).

Submit your videos to [email protected]. Please note, anything over 20 megabytes will not be accepted by our email server, so you might consider using one of the following services to send your large file:

I’m so thrilled to join forces with you. Seeing your faces and hearing your stories live on film will be close to meeting you in person, and I can’t tell you how much that means to me!  We need the TRUTH of this disease to get out there, and with your help we can get it there.  Many voices are louder than one.  Make your voice and your story known.

I hope to “see” you soon. Much love!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

Oh Yeah! Vegan, Dairy, Gluten, Soy, and Refined Sugar-Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!

Just a quick recap and correction. The last post I spoke about Leaky Gut and what I was doing to help heal it. I’m taking Metagenics UltraClear Sustain, Glutagenics by Metagenics, and Acidophilus, and Quercetin. Also, I’m avoiding all allergens and anything else I am allergic to at the moment. The Lymphatic Drainage Sessions are to flush my body of toxins and then going for vitamin IVS at my doctor’s office. If you believe you might have Leaky Gut, please go see a doctor who will listen and help you.

Now on to the Fun Stuff!

Oh Yeah! Vegan, Dairy, Gluten, Soy, and Refined Sugar-Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies! Take that falling eyelashes!

These cookies are delicious, even more delicious for me, for many reasons, let me explain.

When I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I was depressed beyond belief. I know many of you understand having an Autoimmune Disease sucks, yes but was the thought of giving up so much of what I loved – cakes, cookies, bread, and pasta. After realizing my fate and healing from the devastating damage this disease had already done to my body I got in the kitchen again. If course this time all was new and confusing. I managed to start to create recipes. Yummy recipes of things I loved. About 75 of them to be exact, at the time I was using dairy and regular sugar. Months after that I was happily baking away but still feeling great, I was told dairy was no longer my friend either. I discovered on my own research that white sugar was an enemy as well, which also meant corn was their evil cousin. At that time if that wasn’t enough after doing some research on Soy, I opted to keep that out as well. Now what do I bake with though? Air? Knowing me now from my posts, I got back in the kitchen Again. I REDID all recipes – All 75 of them and then some. So recently when my eyelashes and hair decided to start falling out, as explained in the last post, I thought, oh no, not another allergy. Yes, even more allergies thanks to a leaky gut. Almonds now were a big problem as well as chocolate – CHOCOLATE! Really – I’m really being tested here I thought. What was I to do? Give up, cry, scream? Not going to say I didn’t do all of that, because I did have a day that I was so pissed, maybe even two days. After I realized that it wasn’t going to the be end of the world. I got back in that kitchen and I made myself a cookie. A Gluten- Free, Dairy-Free, Corn-free, Refined Sugar -Free, Nut-Free, and Soy- Free Oatmeal Cookie. YUM to the E!!!!! Take that allergies, what a victory I thought. Again, a dance of joy came upon me as the first batch came out of the oven – Healthy, Beautiful, Delicious cookies that not only gave me some sort, however little it is, control back from this ever changing autoimmune disease. I share them with you. Make them, enjoy them, and do a little dance for you. Today you won!

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (eyelash cookies)

PreHeat Oven to 375
3 cups oats
1 cup brown rice flour
1/4 cup sourghum flour
1/4 cup arrowroot starch
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup maple sugar, date sugar, coconut sugar
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup grapeseed oil
1/3 cup no sugar added apple sauce
3/4 cup raisins
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
Combine all dry ingredients and whisk through lightly
In a separate bowl combine all wet ingredients
With a wooden spoon slowly combine wet ingredients to dry a little at a time
Then add raisins and combine
Take a tablespoon size of dough and put on baking sheet
Bake for 15 to 25 min  depending on how crispy you like your cookies
Eat UP!!
Much Love!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

Attention All Celiacs

Hi all, hope everyone is well. Yes, there is a lot of stuff going on, but also, some unanswered questions from earlier this summer. As some of you might have noticed I vanished for a minute there. Know that when I do, it’s usually for a very good reason…I think eyelashes and hair falling out is a good enough reason, don’t you?

Late April-early May is when it started  and I mentioned  this in one of the blogs from that period. Time for the update: who would think that in 2 1/2 years into being a Celiac; a well-informed, impeccable eater, and someone who tries her best to take care of herself, how I would, yet again, have an unsolved mystery???? When the eyelashes and rashes on my skin started I truly thought it was from too much makeup while filming, Blue Bloods, (the show I do on CBS). When the season ended the eyelashes and rashes continued. I started to have big spaces where eyelashes once sat and now nothing, not even small re-growth. At the same time, I was getting these hot burning rashes and to top it off I was seeing far too much of my scalp on the top of my head than one I would like.

Now I’ve never been a vain person but HELL, how much is one person suppose to give up with this disease? I was not about to let go of my eyelashes and hair now, too. I started to do my research which came up with a thyroid problem, Lupus, and other not so wonderful options. For me though, I’d rather know what I may be dealing with and armed with questions when going to seek a doctor. And go to the doctor I did, 10 of them! 10 of them in a three week period – not to mention having Lymphatic Drainage – going to see an energy healer, and anyone else who would try and help solve this mystery. My blood-work  for many other Autoimmune Diseases came back all negative.

What did come back is a slew of new allergies, What?!?!? I’m already Gluten, Dairy, Soy, Corn, and Refined Sugar – Free. What am I allergic to now? Air? No, it was Almonds, Eggs, Chocolate, Watermelon, Broccoli, Avocado, and Chicken, and so on and so on. The swelling in my face from my eyes had now taken over my entire cheek that brought me to the ER one weekend, of course, they had no answers. My research led me to a naturopath doctor who told me about Leaky Gut Syndrome. It’s something I knew about but didn’t think it pertained to me. Think again! All Celiacs most likely have this condition. Leaky Gut Syndrome, is a gastrointestinal disorder in which the intestinal lining of the digestive tract becomes more permeable, or “leakier,” than normal, due to repeated irritation. The small intestine is designed to allow tiny particles of digested nutrients to pass through its wall and into the bloodstream. These are then distributed for use throughout the body. But due to a variety of causes, the intestinal wall can become more permeable and allow larger, less digested particles and toxins to pass through—causing Leaky Gut Syndrome. The body then recognizes these particles as foreign “invaders,” and the immune system attempts to fight them off—which can set the stage for various autoimmune disorders. So, basically, anything that was getting into my bloodstream, my immune system thought it was a foreign substance therefore making me have an allergic reaction to it.

What to do? Well I’m on a mega-genetic drink for Leaky Gut called L- Glutamine, tons of Acidophilus and Quercetin. Please do your research and talk with your doctor if you believe you are experiencing this. What I also learned was that the food rotation diet is a must for all Celiacs !!! Since 2009 I’ve done countless research on the subject of Celiac and am still shocked when I discover something new. A food rotation diet is a vital part of a Celiac’s diet. Otherwise you easily develop other allergies. The foods that showed up in my blood-work  were everyday things I was eating, on a daily basis. I set up a simple rotation in my frig of mandatory milks to keep in rotation. I also made a simple calendar: what I ate on Monday I couldn’t eat until Friday and so on. I discovered a great site to help understand more about the Food Rotation Diet, please click on the link.

As far as my eyelashes and hair – they are growing back…for now. Still need my gut to heal, but, I, of course, didn’t give up on my treats. I’ve managed to create some completely allergy-free treats! Soon I will be making muffins and cookies out of air. Until then, stay well and look for my new blog post – Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Completely Allergy – Free!!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

Lucky Winners!

Thank you, everyone for submitting your funny and heartfelt stories.  I’ve enjoyed reading each and every one.  Had a hard time picking just 3!  I know what those memories mean to us all.  Especially those of us who have  had to give up so much of what we love to eat.  Well not anymore!  I spent days, month, hrs creating my  gluten free flour & pancake mix. Just think, those fluffy little pancakes smelling up your kitchen again with all the smells and memories of yesterday.  And the ease of opening up the flour and unlocking the key to all your old baked treats that you loved but couldn’t have now back in your kitchen.  With true love and understanding I’ve created these for you.

We will soon be announcing the ability to purchase my products right here!  I’ve had some great responses and am hoping to hear back from you as well on the quality of my flour & pancake mix, and am hoping to hear many more stories of fun, food and memories being made.

Much love.

And here’s the big announcement:
Our Lucky Winners are…


    1. Susan Bourgeouis: “Ummmmm….I guess it would have to be forgetting where the pan was on the stove and spooning the batter directly on the burners. Embarrassing to admit!”
    1. Becky: “My husband’s uncle lives in Texas (we live in Kentucky) and he only comes home a couple of times a year. We always try to make the most of the time he’s here and get together the extended family almost every day that he’s in town (most of the time for a week at a time). One time he was in (before I was diagnosed with CD) he made pancakes on the griddle with mini M&Ms in them! These suckers were HUGE! I haven’t had pancakes since being diagnosed and miss them. :-/ “
    1. Staci: “I love to make pancakes from scratch. So I invited a friend over for breakfast and I noticed my pancakes were flat and not fluffing up as they were supposed to. So I got rid of that batch added more butter to the frying pan, added another batch of batter, and again they did not rise. Breakfast was terrible, and my friend never came for pancakes again!
It turns out I forgot the baking powder, and it only took me a month to figure out what I did wrong.”

I will be contacting the lucky winners via email for your address & shipping information!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

My Flour & Pancake Mix Giveaway!

### This giveaway is closed. Thank you for your entries!
Here are The Lucky Winners

My All Purpose Flour & Old Fashioned Pancake Mix is finally ready!  A limited amount will be available for purchase here on the website and on Amazon late next week, but until then I’m giving away a care package to three lucky winners.  All you have to do to enter to win is answer this simple question in my comments section below.

What is your favorite memory or funniest memory while baking or making pancakes?

*We will announce the lucky winners on Wednesday of next week (August 15th).  Entries must be posted by Tuesday August 14th at 10pm EST; one-line answers are great.  Winners will be chosen at random.

I can’t wait to hear your memories!  Turn your ovens to 350!

Much love.

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito


### This giveaway is closed.  Thank you for your entries!
Here are The Lucky Winners


Frankie Beans Goes Bananas

Frankie Beans always seems to have bananas on his brain! Every time I go in to the kitchen or even close to the kitchen where the bananas are he stares at me with a look that says “give me that banana!” This boy has loved bananas ever since he was a pup. Bananas and apples and carrots – the BEST treats for your doggies! They’re good for us to eat and just as good for them. As I’m standing there looking at these two very ripe bananas and one funny pup, I think banana cookies! Frankie happily agreed.

On another note, which leads to why I chose these specific ingredients, I have been feeling not my best and most recently been dealing with my eye lashes falling out. Which is always wonderful… I went to a few doctors and dermatologists and as usual got no specific answer which is the usual answer at this point. So I started my own investigation and will follow up in another post with what I found in detail. But the reason for these banana cookies is because I wanted to try to bake a treat taking out as many allergens as I can, even eggs. Maybe there was something else that I was allergic to?!? I knew it wasn’t nuts so I kept the almond flour and everything else was going to be as pure as possible.  Me and My Troop went in that kitchen and started working.

With Frankie steady by my side, I set off for a cookie that was gluten free, dairy free, soy free, xanthan gum free, corn free, egg free, refined sugar free, and low in sugar as well. Pure manic how these cookies didn’t come out taste free! Because these cookies came out so good!!! After a few attempts with the batter I got a moist savory cookie that kept fresh in my cookie jar for 6 days and would have kept longer but they were gone! And they would keep even longer if you kept them refrigerated. These delicious cookies are good for you and anyone you love, even a bite for your furry friend. :)

Banana Cookies

preheat oven 400*

1 cup almond flour

1 cup quinoa flour

1/4 cup arrowroot flour

3/4 cup certified gluten free oatmeal

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup maple sugar

1/2 tsp baking powder

3/4 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/4 cup grape seed oil or canola oil

1/2 cup almond milk

2 very ripe bananas

1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Baking sheet lined with parchment paper.


1. In large mixing bowl combine all dry ingredients and whisk out lumps.

2. In separate bowl mash bananas with fork then add oil and milk, combine until creamy.

3. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix until combined, then fold in nuts.

4. Scoop out mixture with spoon and place on parchment paper and bake for 13-16 minutes depending on how soft you like your cookies. Enjoy!!!

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito

A Steak Fit for a Queen, Betty Boop.

Betty Boop in her favorite spot on the couch

As some of you have probably noticed I have not posted in a few weeks. Some of you may have come to the sad conclusion that something was wrong. Yes it is so, my beloved Troop, Betty Boop has passed away. It happened a few weeks ago and I just needed some time to breathe. She went quickly and in my arms as I said goodbye to my sweet wonderful friend. I thank you all for your kind words and prayers. She was an awesome dog and a better friend.

I have written previously that in her last months she ate like a Queen. Her favorite meal being a juicy well seasoned Filet Mignon. Her eyes would light up as the smell would take over the apartment. Towards the end though she really wasn’t very interested in food. Except when would I sit next to her on the floor to share her steak she’d have a few bites as if to say “thank you”. Then I thought what better recipe could I share! It’s simple, savory, and should absolutely be shared with someone YOU love.

My other Troop, Mr Beans is finally getting over the loss as well. He is ready to get back to our mission of bringing you delicious nutritious recipes and all the best information for your health.

We thank you, send you love and of course MUCH MUCH HEALTH.

Ever Onward,

Jennifer Esposito


My cooking assistant Betty Boop front and center!

Betty Boop Steak

preheat oven to 350*



Filet Mignon

Olive oil

Salt and pepper



1. You want the piece(s) of meat at room temperature.

2. Season with salt and pepper on both sides, take olive oil and brush over steak.

3. Make frying pan nice and hot with olive oil and even a dab of butter or Earth Balance. The heat of pan should be high enough so that if you splash some water on pan it sizzles. You can use a grill pan or a fry pan and put the steak down when hot enough.

4. The thickness of each steak will determine when and how often you turn it – you don’t want to turn it too much. You want to let it get a nice crispy outside, sear it. 2-3 minutes on each side (depending on thickness).

5. Then pop steak in oven for about 5 minutes and after you take it out let it sit for few minutes to let juices marinade. You can cut up some ripe plum tomatoes to put on top of the steak with some added olive oil and salt and pepper. Another great option is to slice the steak (on chopping block) against the grain of meat and put over some fresh spinach, drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper. YUM!!!!


Betty Boop in her Glory Days


One of her many Halloween costumes!

Boop taking advantage of one of the many beautiful New York summer days!

My Lady Betty Boop

City Boop meets meets the country!

My Troops on summer vacation in Hamptons.

Betty Boop trying to be serious!

Betty pushing through the Holidays!

Betty Boop loving the beach life.

Quality time with my beloved Betty Boop.